written by Louisa S R W
A Guide to Defence Against the Dark Arts
Last Updated
Chapter 2
Defence against the Dark Arts lessons are plain and simple.
Number 1: You are going to learn about the Dark Arts.
Number 2: You are going to have to learn to protect yourself from them.
It all comes down to the fact that you need to understand that out there. Out in that big wide world there are all sorts of magical and non-magical creatures and they want to hurt you.
There are Wizards, Witches, Hags, Ghosts, Boggarts, Muggles, Poltergeists creatures that you can’t even comprehend. And they all want to get their hands, or whatever they have on you. Some of them may use charms, some may use fear some may try and drown you, hex you curse you. You’ve heard of many, I’m sure, that you won’t learn yet, but most just want to rip you to pieces.
Why is this? Because it is in their nature. Humans have a way of reasoning, rational thinking but creatures of the Dark Arts. They do not.
This was a speech given to us by Professor Quirrell on our first ever lesson. Sometimes when I look at it, it sounds like something Moody would say. The thing is I really didn’t know Quirrell at all. He never explained how there could be dark objects. I never knew that there were objects with Dark Arts material in them. I was perhaps, innocent, oblivious of this fact. I didn’t know how they were made; I just knew that it was possible to. I imagine that a young Tom Riddle would have been disgusted by the fact that I could not produce, nor had the inclination to produce dark magic in the way that he had wanted to. I sat in class getting on with my work, completing what was given to me and getting good grades.