written by Louisa S R W
The lives of my family in their 30s.
Last Updated
Chapter 2
For the first time I cannot include my mother as she did not live past her 20s. So, I will start with my uncle who did manage to live into his 30s. During his 30s he was an established Potions Professor at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He was Head of Slytherin house and guardian to his niece Louisa Snape. It was during this time that the Dark Lord Voldemort returned to a “living” body and he felt his allegiances split for a second time between that of the Death Eaters and Lord Voldemort or Albus Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix. He died at the tender age of 38 in May 1998 at the Battle of Hogwarts being killed by my father, for a reason I would prefer not to discuss here.