List of IAU recognized Constellations.
| - Andromeda (“The Chained Woman”)
- Antlia (“The Airpump”)
- Apus (“The Bird of Paradise”)
- Aquarius (“The Water Bearer”)
- Aquila (“The Eagle”)
- Ara (“The Altar”)
- Aries (“The Ram”)
- Auriga (“The Charioteer”)
- Boötes (“The Herdsmen”)
- Caelum (“The Sculptor’s Tool”)
- Camelopardalis (“The Giraffe”)
- Cancer (“The Crab”)
- Canes Venatici (“The Hunting Dogs”)
- Canis Major (“The Great Dog”)
- Canis Minor (“The Little Dog”)
- Capricornus (“The Goat”)
- Carina (“The Keel of the Argo”)
- Cassiopeia (“The Seated Queen”)
| - Centaurus (“The Centaur”)
- Cepheus (“The King”)
- Cetus (“The Whale”)
- Chameleon
- Circinus (“The Compasses”)
- Columba (“The Dove”)
- Coma Berenices (“Berenice’s Hair”)
- Corona Australis (“The Southern Crown”)
- Corona Borealis (“The Northern Crown”)
- Corvus (“The Crow” or “The Raven”)
- Crater (“The Cup”)
- Crux (“The Southern Cross”)
- Cygnus (“The Swan”)
- Delphinus (“The Dolphin”)
- Dorado (“The Swordfish” or “The Goldfish”)
- Draco (“The Dragon”)
- Equuleus (“The Filly”)
- Eridanus (“The Eridanus River”)
- Fornax (“The Furnace”)
- Gemini (“The Twins”)
- Grus (“The Crane”)
- Hercules (“The Hero”)
| - Horologium (“The Clock”)
- Hydra (“The Sea Serpent”)
- Hydrus (“The Water Snake”)
- Indus (“The Indian”)
- Lacerta (“The Lizard”)
- Leo (“The Lion”)
- Leo Minor (“The Little Lion”)
- Lepus (“The Hare”)
- Libra (“The Scales”)
- Lupus (“The Wolf”)
- Lynx (“The Lynx”)
- Lyra (“The Harp”)
- Mensa (“The Table” or “The Mountain”)
- Microscopium (“The Microscope”)
- Monoceros (“The Unicorn”)
- Musca (“The Southern Fly”)
- Norma (“The Rule”)
- Octans (“The Octant”)
- Ophiuchus (“The Serpent-Bearer”)
- Orion (“The Hunter”)
- Pavo (“The Peacock”)
- Pegasus
- Perseus
- Phoenix
- Pictor (“The Painter” or “The Painter’s Easel”)
| - Pisces (“The Fish”)
- Piscis Austrinus (“The Southern Fish”)
- Puppis (“The Poop Deck of the Argo”)
- Pyxis (“The Mariner’s Compass”)
- Reticulum (“The Net”)
- Sagitta (“The Arrow”)
- Sagittarius (“The Archer”)
- Scorpius (“The Scorpion”)
- Sculptor (“The Sculptor”)
- Scutum (“The Shield”)
- Serpens (“The Serpent”)
- Sextans (“The Sextant”)
- Taurus (“The Bull”)
- Telescopium (“The Telescope”)
- Triangulum (“The Triangle”)
- Triangulum Australe (“The Southern Triangle”)
- Tucana (“The Toucan”)
- Ursa Major (“The Great Bear”)
- Ursa Minor (“The Little Bear”)
- Vela (“The Sail of the Argo”)
- Virgo (“The Virgin”)
- Volans (“The Flying Fish”)
- Vulpecula (“The Fox”)
Zodiac Constellations- Aries, Aquarius, Cancer, Capricorn, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Pisces, Sagittarius, Scorpio/us, Taurus, and Virgo