Encyclopaedia Herbologic: Year 1
written by [No Name]
An Encyclopaedia containing all plants and mentioned herbs for First Year Herbology, with descriptions of each plant/herb, organization by alphabet and attribute, and summaries of basic plant care and protective gear. An essential resource for first year Herbology students.
Last Updated
Intro/How To Use The Encyclopaedia
Chapter 1 -
Chapter 2 -
Attributes: Association
Chapter 3 -
Attributes: Dangerous
Chapter 4 -
Attributes: Family
Chapter 5 -
Attributes: Height
Chapter 6 -
Attributes: Magical
Chapter 7 -
Attributes: Non-Magical
Chapter 8 -
Attributes: Origin
Chapter 9 -
Attributes: Ph Range
Chapter 10 -
Attributes: Potions
Chapter 11 -
Attributes: Sun
Chapter 12 -
Attributes: Toxic
Chapter 13 -
Attributes: Use
Chapter 14 -
Attributes: Water
Chapter 15 -
Plant Care
Chapter 16 -
Plant Care: Fertilizers/Soils
Chapter 17 -
Plant Care: Watering
Chapter 18 -
Plant Care: Sunlight
Chapter 19 -
Plants, Indexed
Chapter 20 -
Plants, Indexed: Aconite
Chapter 21 -
Plants, Indexed: Bouncing Bulb
Chapter 22 -
Plants, Indexed: Bubotuber
Chapter 23 -
Plants, Indexed: Devil'S Snare
Chapter 24 -
Plants, Indexed: Dittany
Chapter 25 -
Plants, Indexed: English Rose
Chapter 26 -
Plants, Indexed: Fluxweed
Chapter 27 -
Plants, Indexed: Gillyweed
Chapter 28 -
Plants, Indexed: Gurdyroot
Chapter 29 -
Plants, Indexed: Knotgrass
Chapter 30 -
Plants, Indexed: Lily Plants
Chapter 31 -
Plants, Indexed: Lovage
Chapter 32 -
Plants, Indexed: Mandrake
Chapter 33 -
Plants, Indexed: Motherwort
Chapter 34 -
Plants, Indexed: Nettle
Chapter 35 -
Plants, Indexed: Nux Myristica
Chapter 36 -
Plants, Indexed: Peppermint
Chapter 37 -
Plants, Indexed: Rat Root
Chapter 38 -
Plants, Indexed: Royal Staff
Chapter 39 -
Plants, Indexed: Silverweed
Chapter 40 -
Plants, Indexed: Snakeweed
Chapter 41 -
Plants, Indexed: Valerian Root
Chapter 42 -
Plants, Indexed: Wormwood
Chapter 43 -
Protective Gear
Chapter 44 -
Ending Notes
Chapter 45
Plants, Indexed: Royal Staff
Chapter 39
Royal Staff
Asphodel/Royal Staff is mostly known for the 'deathly sleep' component in the Draught of Living Death.
Oddly enough it is also a component of the Wiggenweld Potion, which wakes one from magical sleep.
When in each of these potions, it is the root that is used, ground to a fine powder.
Aliases and Attributes
- [Alias: Asphodel]
- [Attribute: Non-Magical]
- [Attribute.Family: Lily]
- [Attribute.Origin: Europe]
- [Attribute.Association: Death]
- [Attribute.Association: Underworld]
- [Attribute.Potion.Use: Draught of Living Death]
- [Attribute.Potion.Use: Wiggenweld Potion]
- [Attribute.Use: Potions]