Encyclopaedia Herbologic: Year 1
An Encyclopaedia containing all plants and mentioned herbs for First Year Herbology, with descriptions of each plant/herb, organization by alphabet and attribute, and summaries of basic plant care and protective gear. An essential resource for first year Herbology students.
Last Updated
Intro/How To Use The Encyclopaedia
Chapter 1 -
Chapter 2 -
Attributes: Association
Chapter 3 -
Attributes: Dangerous
Chapter 4 -
Attributes: Family
Chapter 5 -
Attributes: Height
Chapter 6 -
Attributes: Magical
Chapter 7 -
Attributes: Non-Magical
Chapter 8 -
Attributes: Origin
Chapter 9 -
Attributes: Ph Range
Chapter 10 -
Attributes: Potions
Chapter 11 -
Attributes: Sun
Chapter 12 -
Attributes: Toxic
Chapter 13 -
Attributes: Use
Chapter 14 -
Attributes: Water
Chapter 15 -
Plant Care
Chapter 16 -
Plant Care: Fertilizers/Soils
Chapter 17 -
Plant Care: Watering
Chapter 18 -
Plant Care: Sunlight
Chapter 19 -
Plants, Indexed
Chapter 20 -
Plants, Indexed: Aconite
Chapter 21 -
Plants, Indexed: Bouncing Bulb
Chapter 22 -
Plants, Indexed: Bubotuber
Chapter 23 -
Plants, Indexed: Devil'S Snare
Chapter 24 -
Plants, Indexed: Dittany
Chapter 25 -
Plants, Indexed: English Rose
Chapter 26 -
Plants, Indexed: Fluxweed
Chapter 27 -
Plants, Indexed: Gillyweed
Chapter 28 -
Plants, Indexed: Gurdyroot
Chapter 29 -
Plants, Indexed: Knotgrass
Chapter 30 -
Plants, Indexed: Lily Plants
Chapter 31 -
Plants, Indexed: Lovage
Chapter 32 -
Plants, Indexed: Mandrake
Chapter 33 -
Plants, Indexed: Motherwort
Chapter 34 -
Plants, Indexed: Nettle
Chapter 35 -
Plants, Indexed: Nux Myristica
Chapter 36 -
Plants, Indexed: Peppermint
Chapter 37 -
Plants, Indexed: Rat Root
Chapter 38 -
Plants, Indexed: Royal Staff
Chapter 39 -
Plants, Indexed: Silverweed
Chapter 40 -
Plants, Indexed: Snakeweed
Chapter 41 -
Plants, Indexed: Valerian Root
Chapter 42 -
Plants, Indexed: Wormwood
Chapter 43 -
Protective Gear
Chapter 44 -
Ending Notes
Chapter 45
Plants, Indexed: Lily Plants
Chapter 31
Lily Plants
The lily is known for its flowers, which are three petals surrounded
by three sepals. It has many flower shapes and colours. Not all lilies
produce flowers, however.
Lilies should be planted 1/4 inch into nutrient-filled soil, and
watered with regular water. Full sunlight is good for them. They can
grow very tall and the leaves are vital and should not be trimmed. Lily
leaves should be allowed to die back in a regular fashion so the bulb
can prepare for winter by storing carbs.
Lillies attract birds, so a protection spell around them may be necessary.
Lillies are medically proficient:
- high source of fibre
- flower regulates heart rate
- angina treatment
- flowers are excellent for treatment of burns and scar tissue
- roots can be made into ointment for burns
- spider bites can be treated with root/flower
- helps stroke recovery
- tea made with the plant can help coughs, fever, stomach illness, wounds, sores, and washing bruises
- oils can help depression and invokes feelings of happiness/security
- flower is used as ingredient in anti-depressant potions
Aliases and Attributes
- [Alias: Lilium]
- [Attribute.Sun: 5-6 hrs/day]
- [Attribute.Height: 0-10 ft]
- [Attribute.Use: Medicine]
- [Attribute.Use: Potions]
- [Attribute: Non-Magical]
- [Attribute.Family: Lily]