Evacuation Station

written by Louisa S R W

The plan that the students had to get everyone out.

Last Updated







Chapter 3
The weekend came and she entered Hogwarts by the Floo network in the Headmaster’s study. It was strange not to see Fawkes in there or to arrive in the dungeons. She ate in the Great Hall and went to sleep in the Room of Requirement, which was now a guest bedroom. She sent another message: NOW: RR Within 5 minutes Neville & Ginny were sat in the Room of Requirements looking at Louisa Snape. “Does George know that you come here?” asked Ginny obviously concerned for the welfare of her brother. “Yes” came a solid reply, she knew the others probably hated her, and everything she was doing, everything she had already done. “So, what’s this about? You recruiting in Hogwarts?” asked Neville “because we’re not going. We’re with Dumbledore.” He said firmly. “I know. But I know what the Carrow’s are going to do. We’ve got to help Harry and…” “We can’t! you’ve seen security, you probably helped them with the passages” cried Ginny. “All but one.” “what?” Neville’s face was a picture “That’s why we’re here. You need to come here. You need to be VERY specific with your wording and get the room to be a place where they won’t find you NO loopholes. Understand?” “Yeah but I don’t get it why do we need to come here?” “Please Neville, I have another job for you. We need to make leaders of each house, each year. So that we can evacuate when we need to.” “Evacuate?” Ginny was now the one looking scared. “We have to. Without a plan we have nothing. So far we have a way out and help but that’s it.” I’m putting you two in charge of Gryffindor. We need someone for every year. That way when we need to we can get the each year out. The first years have no chance.” “Luna can organise Ravenclaw, and Goldstein for Hufflepuff” said Neville “What about Slytherin? They’ll know, won’t they? If we plan something.” “Let me sort them out.” She said “I’ll tell them that it’s an automatic school get-out plan or something”. For eight months they carried on like this. It became the new normal to see people with scars, grazes and cuts. The only time you worried was when people were covered in blood. Or the cuts were too deep. The plans we made were possibly the best idea we ever had. It is the reason that we got the youngest people out and saved the ones we could.
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