Charlie Weasley
The hidden, dragon loving Weasley
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Chapter 1
Hello, Hi, How you doing? So, Lou asked me to write something to go on here. … anyway… I’m Charlie Weasley the one Weasley that is always mentioned and never really seen. I am from a large family I have five brothers and one sister. They in turn now have their families so there are lots of us. My older brother Bill works for Gringotts, (have never really asked what he does) and has 3 kids, my younger brother Percy works for the Ministry and has 2 kids. My brother Fred died in 1998 but his twin brother George is still going strong and works in the Joke shop they started together and has 2 kids. My brother Ron works with him, but seems he’s put a bit of weight on recently though, he has 2 kids as well. My sister Ginny is a writer for the Daily Prophet and has 3 kids. I started Hogwarts in 1985 and was sorted into Gryffindor, like the rest of my siblings. It was there that I met a strange kid that had been living in the Forbidden Forest and was now in the dungeons. Hagrid had mentioned her to me. At the time she was only seven years old and my brothers were not much older. She was the niece of my Potions Master Professor Snape and stayed hidden in the castle a lot of the time. She was becoming known as a ghost. I used to meet up with Hagrid and had a real passion for interesting creatures. You could say that she was one of them because I found out that she was a metamorphmagus like my friend Tonks and that she was a parselmouth. She taught me a lot about creatures that you wouldn’t normally learn in class and I got to go to continue my studies in Romania which was really exciting. Luckily Lou was also sorted into Gryffindor so the one year that she had at school, we spent the most time together. I went off to Romania and worked hard in pursuit of a career in dragon tamer or something similar I came back to Britain on several occasions to visit my family and even Hogwarts and Lou (who was growing up fast) I came to get Norbetta or Norbet as she was originally called and then I helped out at the Triwizard Tournament. I also tried to help out and gain some help for the Order of the Phoenix abroad. Everybody did as much as they could. It felt like I missed a lot when I was away. But I wanted to be away, it was my choice. My brother Bill still wanted me as his best man at his wedding so I couldn’t have missed that much, but he’d worked away in Egypt for a while too. This time when I saw Lou, she was my brother George’s girlfriend. Even though I’d had a few in Romania this seemed different. Seemed like I was missing out. A year later and battles had been fought and won. But people had been lost. My brother Fred was lost and Lou had lost all of her family. I felt like I had to find her and I did. But it all came about in the most unexpected of ways and unexpected of times. I knew from that moment that she was the one. But I didn’t know if she felt the same, but she did. She does. Life has a way of working its way out. Despite some up and very downs, very close and very apart times we managed all in all to be together. I’ve been many things looked after many creatures. She is certainly something else. A one of a kind. You’ll work that out for yourselves. Not many take in their sister, (and not many would put up with us) I’ve tried to be a good dad/uncle to my sister-in-law and I hope I have been a good dad to my own kids. As Sevie is now at Hogwarts and we are more boys than girls for the first time in a while I’m happy to know that she is in Gryffindor and will look forward to hear about her being on the quidditch pitch very soon.
Lou x