Flower Pot Men
written by Louisa S R W
The first of many Weasley weddings
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Chapter 1
I’m not going to say that I am best friends with Fleur I won’t say that we even get on. It’s in our nature. Being part Veela she is bound to rub most people up the wrong way but we have a different bond that goes further than that. However, on the 1st August 1997 I turned up to my 2nd wedding of the summer. I attended that of Fleur Delacour and William Weasley.
At the time I was going out with George and was going back and forth between Malfoy Manor, Weasleys and Knockturn Alley (aka home). I was over 17, any tag that my father or uncle had put on me had been lifted. I waited until the morning of the wedding and then went to help everyone set up at The Burrow.
If I thought that would get me out of doing anything it didn’t. The kitchen was more crowded than I had ever seen it and we all raised a massive marquee in the garden that was going to be the aisle.
“wands at the ready!” cried Arthur Weasley and we all had to pitch in. Molly wouldn’t have it any other way.
As usual my dressing skills were as bad as ever and I wanted to look good for Bill. He had been like a big brother to me, it only seemed right. I was in Percy’s bedroom (for the reason it had a full-length mirror) when Hermione slammed a copy of “Witch Weekly” on the bed and told me to PICK something. In the end George stood there holding the magazine as I transfigured into several different dresses. My final one was purple with bouffant sleeves. I sat next to the Weasley gang which was great because I really felt part of the family.
I had to hand it to Fleur she really does know how to celebrate and her sister had grown a lot since I had seen her. With so much Veela blood it really was hard to control the men but we managed it.
It may have been ruined a tad at the end but I stayed to help clear up. I couldn’t help feel that Harry and I may have been the cause for the disruption so it was really the least I could do.