Transfiguration Spell Index
This is a reference book for Transfiguration that includes all spells from years 1-4 in Transfiguration. I will be adding more years in the coming weeks.
Last Updated
Author's Note
Chapter 5
Thank you for reading this book, and I hope you found it helpful! All of the content for this book came from the Transfiguration lessons, so credits go to Professor Mitchell. Once all the lessons for Year 5 have been released, I will include an index for it here. But until then, the book is complete! Thanks again for reading!t I am considering adding some tables included in the lessons for the later years, so you may see those in the next few months years. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please don't hesitate to owl me or post on <a href="../../../762043/">my wall</a>.
*Update: I'm mostly inactive now (though I do pop in two or three times a year), so I don't see myself updating this book with Year 5 and beyond in the forseeable future. Thanks for reading, though!