Transfiguration Spell Index
This is a reference book for Transfiguration that includes all spells from years 1-4 in Transfiguration. I will be adding more years in the coming weeks.
Last Updated
Year 4
Chapter 4
Guinea Fowl to Guinea Pig
Incantation: Parelcavia
Pronunciation: pa-rel-CAH-vi-ah
Wand Movement: A circle around the guinea fowl
Concentration: High - Focus on the differences needed to maintain life
Willpower: High
Small Creature to Duck
Incantation: Ducklifors
Pronunciation: DUCK-leh-fors
Wand Movement: Downward slash
Concentration: High - Focus on both the physical and mental changes that need to occur
Willpower: High
Duckbill Switch
Incantation: Ducklifors Nares
Pronunciation: DUCK-leh-fors NAH-res
Wand Movement: Downward slash
Concentration: Medium - Focus on the nose or beak of your target ONLY and imagine the change into a duck's bill
Willpower: Medium~Low
General Switching Spell
Incantation: Permuloco
Pronunciation: PARE-moo-LOH-coh
Wand Movement: Diagonal down and right, up, diagonal down and left
Concentration: Medium - Must focus on both objects and their respective locations Willpower: Medium
Partial Switching Spell
Incantation: [Starting object] Permuloco [Ending object]
Pronunciation: PARE-moo-LOH-coh
Wand Movement: Diagonal down and right, up, diagonal down and left
Concentration: Medium - Must focus on the specific parts of both objects and their respective locations
Willpower: Medium~Low
Steelclaw Swich
Incantation: Steelclaw
Pronunciation: STEEL-claw
Wand Movement: A clockwile wiwle around the target
Concentration: Medium~Low - Pay attention to the material
Willpower: Low
Tooth to Wine Gum Switch
Incantation: Geloso
Pronunciation: jell-OH-soh
Wand Movement: Point wand at the mouth of the target
Concentration: Medium - Pay attention to the material
Willpower: Medium~Low
Statue Animation Spell
Incantation: Piertotum Locomotor
Pronunciation: PY-air-TOH-tuhm LOH-koh-MOH-tor
Wand Movement: Point wand at target for single target or hold wand aloft for multiple targets
Concentration: Medium - Direct your focus to what you want the target to do once animated
Willpower: Medium~High
Color Change Charm
Incantation: Colovaria
Pronunciation: co-loh-VA-ree-ah
Wand Movement: Point wand at target
Concentration: Low - Make sure to keep the color you wand in mind
Willpower: Medium
Outfit Transformation
Incantation: Multicorfors
Pronunciation: MULL-tee-CORE-fors
Wand Movement: Wiggle your wand in the direction of the target clothing Concentration: Medium - Concentrate on the detail nf the desired outfit
Willpower: Medium