Malfoy Manor
written by Louisa S R W
Malfoys of Malfoy Manor
Last Updated
The Manor
Chapter 1
If I thought that the property of my Riddle ancestors was grand it was nothing compared to the obvious luxury of the palatial style of Malfoy Manor. I have no idea how many floors it was on, how many rooms there where. I have absolutely no idea. I know that it is grand. I know that you enter the main gates along a long wide gravel path. There are enchantments a plenty surrounding the house. The main grand doors are of oak and are incredibly heavy to enter through.
The first room that you come to is the Foyer and decorated, I believe with marble, or some other stone. The meetings were held in the dining room which was off to the left-hand side. There was a large fire place, in fact a large fire place in every room. Tapestries, books and paintings lined the walls and it was all very clean. Everything has its place, even today.
I know that there are dungeons, I know that not everything is how people want it to be. I slithered down there once with Nagini on a tour of the house. The entrance is to the right of the Foyer. How far it goes back I cared not to find out.
All I know is that when I stay there, I stayed on the first floor. I took the staircase on the right-hand side of the Foyer I went up to the first floor and along to the third door. It was clearly a guest bedroom that nobody had stayed in for years. It was a large four-poster bed but had no curtains. I know that Draco’s bedroom was 2 doors down and the bathroom was in between. The windows were huge, gigantic even and there is a Lounge on the first floor. The most time I have ever spent there is when it was “Dark Days” and the house did seem to be quite dark but I have been to it since then and actually there is a lot of light, which surprised me. I think the darkness came from the wooden panelling and the staircases, but otherwise it is a beautiful house.
Other guests at the same time as me were Narcissa Malfoy’s sister Bellatrix Lestrange, her husband Rodolphus Lestrange and my father. My father would come in for chats but not very often. I understand now, looking back that he may have been jealous of the relationship that I had with my uncle, as I had grown up with him instead.
There are of course other people that have called Malfoy Manor home and that includes Dobby, which I count as to many house elves, the house you serve is your home and my sister Delphini. Who is actually in the picture but as she is a mere bump you will not see her… (search Malfoy Manor Family and blow the picture up, on the screen).