I feel lucky
Chapter 2
They talk about the lucky number seven. Is it true? There is potential. I had a very good seventh year at Hogwarts all things considered. I passed my NEWTs with very good grades and am thankful I was not any younger. BUT what does it mean for other people?
There are of course 7 books by JK Rowling about Harry Potter as there are 7 years at Hogwarts there are 7 siblings in the Weasley family. Wands cost 7 Galleons. There are 7 floors of the castle, and 7 core subjects taught at Hogwarts. There are 7 players on a Quidditch team (plus a referee). There were 7 obstacles to get through in the 1st book, 7 muggles saw them fly and 7 ingredients for Polyjuice Potion. Canary Creams cost 7 sickles. The Room of Requirement? Yeah you guessed it… seventh floor and seven horcruxes.
So, as you see Seven is an important number.
There are of course 7 books by JK Rowling about Harry Potter as there are 7 years at Hogwarts there are 7 siblings in the Weasley family. Wands cost 7 Galleons. There are 7 floors of the castle, and 7 core subjects taught at Hogwarts. There are 7 players on a Quidditch team (plus a referee). There were 7 obstacles to get through in the 1st book, 7 muggles saw them fly and 7 ingredients for Polyjuice Potion. Canary Creams cost 7 sickles. The Room of Requirement? Yeah you guessed it… seventh floor and seven horcruxes.
So, as you see Seven is an important number.