Weasley Attack
written by Louisa S R W
Christmas wasn't the same, but I still felt the blame.
Last Updated
Chapter 2
“no, come on this way.” They crossed the park and went down to the, now familiar 12 Grimmauld Place. They were walking so quickly they shaved 10 minutes off of their usual time. “back to usual form Lou”. In an instant she was walking through the dark front door of the place she had called home all summer. It felt like a lifetime ago. As they went in there was nobody around.
“I’m coming down Severus!” It was Molly Weasley. It was obvious that she had been crying but seeing guests made her feel better. “I’ve laid out some food for you, I hope it’s ok” For two people it was more than sufficient. There were piles of toast, scrambled eggs and beans. It looked like it could feed all the Weasleys. A few pieces had obviously been nibbled at but nobody it seemed had been hungry at all. Everyone had been in shock.
Severus tightened his hold as Sirius came in the room. It seemed that he was the only one eating the food. Louisa squeezed back to let him know she was ok.
“Now, Fred and George have been keeping me informed and your uncle too, so don’t get too upset with me but I’ve tried to make your brew. Not sure it’s quite right but, I must say you’re looking much better than I expected you were.” She wiped a tear from her eye and motioned to the table. “come on, sit down, sit down. You haven’t had anything to eat and I’m sure Arthur wouldn’t want to be the cause of you not getting your medicine”. Her eyes narrowed at both Louisa and Severus, who attempt to smile back.
She continues on and Sirus says “it’s just her way of coping. She’s been fretting the whole time. Understandable really.”
“you ok?” asked Louisa anxiously
“yeah look at me! Loads of people in the house.” A tut came from Severus who had obviously disapproved of this comment. But Sirius knew better than to comment. “you?”
She smiled and was about to say something when Severus got to his feet. “Sorry Molly. Can’t stay you know how it is. But I’ll be back when I can.” He glanced untrustingly at Sirius, the thought of leaving Louisa in his house was not what he had wanted especially with Voldemort back. With Molly there he felt a little more secure. He squeezed Louisa and breathed a heavy sigh.
“Back as soon as I can Lou.” Said Severus, she knew the drill. And he left.
“Everyone is in bed, I suppose you’ll want that too.” Said Molly, “We’ll visit Arthur in the morning. Bill is with him at the moment it was close but he is alive.”
Louisa nodded there was nothing she could think to say whilst Molly flitted around the rooms.
“Hmm?” his mouth full of toast
“Will she think it bad of me for not wanting to go?”
“Course not! But why don’t you?”
“What do I say? Sorry my father attacked you. I always find Nagini a wonderfully well-tempered creature. It doesn’t sound good. Anyway, Dumbledore wants me to stay put.”
His smile faded, “Good point. Guess you’ll be here with me.”
“make sure your mother is covered though, we don’t know where else she is… is the boggart still in the living room?”
Eyeing her suspiciously, “yes…?”
“can you put it back if I get it out?”
“you want to know what your boggart is?”
“umm… yes.” Her look had turned pale again.
“Snape won’t be happy but… alright, if it’ll make you feel better.” They climbed the stairs to the first floor. There was a large room, with a fire-place, sofa and tapestry of the Black family tree. In the corner was an old writing desk. That rattled around. They closed the door and Sirius stood to the side.
“Ready? I doubt you’ll like what you see”
“That’s the point”. She became nervous. The previous times she had faced boggarts they had come out as clowns but so much had happened in the last few years that she had no idea what she would be faced with.
Sirius opened the door and released the boggart. It swirled above her, green and bright. Sirius paused.
“you fear the killing curse?” Louisa didn’t move.
The smoke changed and Severus Snape stood in front of them. He was surrounded by the green light and then collapsed on the floor, dead. Still she didn’t move.
“RIDIKULUS” cried Sirius and Severus did a little tap-dance, as the boggart went back in the desk. Louisa shook, tears pouring down her face. Sirius took her in his arms.
“that was natural, after Arthur’s attack, simply natural.”
She nodded. Her uncle meant so much to her, and nobody knew. Molly was understanding about her not visiting Arthur right away.
Tonks and Moody came to the house to escort them to St Mungo’s, which was wonderful because she hadn’t seen Tonks in so long. As usual she was uncertain about Moody but she doubted that he would have let her join them even if she wanted to. In the end she asked Tonks to ask Arthur if he would see her, but to be discrete. (not Tonk’s forte but worth a try).