written by Louisa S R W

The real Bellatrix Lestrange

Last Updated







Chapter 1
What people tend to remember about Bellatrix is how evil she was. I’m not denying that she was evil. She killed hundreds of people, magical and muggles, and used the cruciatus curse on my friend Neville’s parents until they lost their minds. But I am cursed with the ability to see her good side too, and she has plenty of that. She taught me a lot, she was a sort of stepmother when she escaped and my father was at full power. She was born Bellatrix Black the eldest of 3 daughters (Andromeda & Narcissa) born to Cygnus and Druella Black in 1951 a pure-blood family that had very high thoughts about the quality of their blood. They thought it made them superior, almost like royalty. The Black family were well of but it did not stop her getting bullied by her father as a child. He would leave her senseless with almost no powers to speak of and yet she must have been a powerful witch because despite all that she endured she became one of the most feared Death Eaters in Voldemort’s group. She met him and joined with many other young students that believed in Voldemort’s ways. She became one of his most loyal followers. One who would serve him until their deaths. In accordance with her parent’s wishes she married another pure-blood named Rodolphus Lestrange, another Death Eater. However, her romantic thoughts were guided towards only one person. That of Voldemort. When Voldemort died in the first wizarding wars, she was one of the few to refuse the situation and continue on. It was then that she attacked people and was thrown into Azkaban Prison herself. What she never realised was, was that she was the cause of his death. It was her that got Lucius to kill my mother and it was his love for her that became fatal to us all. Undoubtably she, like other Death Eaters felt the presence of the Dark Lord’s return. In January 1996 she and nine other prisoners escaped Azkaban Prison. I met her “unofficially” in February (read previous book for more info). To me she was always someone that wasn’t afraid to speak their mind, I just didn’t think she did it in the right way. Is there a right way? No. Everyone has a different way. “officially” I met her in the Summer of 1996. I’m not entirely sure what or who she thought I was. She wasn’t stupid, she knew my mother and she knew who my mother was in a relationship with. She must have known who I was. To her, and many others I became “the untouchable”. For more reasons than I wish to go into right now. Out of the group of Death Eaters she was always the most arrogant, the most abusive and childish. I assume the years of abuse from her parents coupled with the year spent in Azkaban sent her mental. I wasn’t afraid of her, more intrigued by her. I think it is fair to say we both played games with each other. Nobody won nobody lost. She would test me out. In 1996 she killed her own cousin Sirius Black and then taunted about it. In 1997 she danced on the tables of Hogwarts cheering about the death of Albus Dumbledore. I do not want to go as far as to say that she was my step-mother because that implies a different relationship. She is however, the mother to my half-sister, a person I feel very close to. She was born 3rd March 1998. Perhaps this is why Bellatrix was easily killed at the Battle of Hogwarts because she had recently given birth. I don’t know about the birth, I only found out about my sister 6 months later. Bellatrix Lestrange was killed on the 2nd May 1998 by Molly Weasley in protection of her daughter. Wand: 12 ¾ inches, Walnut, Dragon Heartstring In the end I have done what my Malfoy and Weasley family have taught me. Family is important. I have learned by their example and keep a bond with my sister.
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