Letters over Summer
written by I'm Sorry
Here are letters written by Hermione Ginny and Luna over the summer!
Last Updated
The letters
Chapter 1
Dear Hermione and Luna,
My Calligraphy skills are really improving! I am excited to be able to wrote my books faster. The calligraphy app I do is really helping. You should try it. I had a good time yesterday. I brushed my hair for a really long time and it was super silky. I love my hair. And I know it sounds selfish but it is an ok length now and silky. It is also a good color, bright red or orange. Some people say it differently. I was just playing quidditch with Anjulina. She lives kind of close to me. She gave me a broom bar! I just know that Ron will get it all dirty. I know that Harry will see sense, I just know. The Ministry of Magic is bound to start watching the mail, on the Minister's orders. We should start using our code. It is really hard to decipher, I did a test, I slipped a paper into Percy's room and he came out looking enraged. He probably couldn't decipher it, as it was clutched in his hand and he was scarlet in the face. I am not complaining though, it said Percy is a pinhead. He went downstairs and no one else could crack it. He asked me and I deciphered it backward. I have been so obsessed with telling you stuff that I forgot to ask you guys questions! How are you? I am doing good, I hope you are too. Ron has been complaining all summer that he has so much homework. I think he would pay me to do it, should I? I don't think the price will be worth it but, maybe at the end, I will be nearly as smart as Hermione! Ha, probably not maybe third smartest of the year. Behind Luna, and Luna behind Hermione. I enjoy the company of my smart and brave friends. I just know Harry will realize what sits in front of him right now. Yes, I am sitting across from Harry. I am so excited to see you guys at my party in two weeks' time! I hope Errol gets there in time! Now I make personal comments. To Hermione I say, I am sure you are doing extra work. To Luna I say, have you published the new article for the quibbler, you wrote, yet? And also do you have a pet, Luna? It seems silly of me to ask, but I forgot! My freckles are blossoming due to the beautiful weather! I miss you both!
--Ginny Weasly,
your loyal friend
Dearest Ginny and Luna,
I am pleased to say that I am well and I would like to ask if you two have found something to do, like a hobby, during the current times? Are you deprived of privacy in your room ( my darndest brother keeps coming in!), and in diaries? I feel as though everyone can peer in and see! Hope to see you soon! I also would like to know if you have a pet too, Luna as I forgot too! If the two of you don’t know I have a messenger bird and 2 dogs. I would also suggest that you either keep a dream journal or keep a journal about these troubling days. I miss you both so much! I think that it is great that you have someone to focus on, Ginny! We washed one dog yesterday, Daisy, the black lab mix. My dad said such a WEIRD and INAPPROPRIATE comment last night! I will not tell anyone what it was. It is so awful! I may build something amazing today and would like for you both to see it as soon as possible as it is so amazing!
My regards,
Hermione Granger
Dear Hermione and Luna
You said I had something to focus on, what were you talking about? Ron's work or Harry? If I am lucky I may do his work since Hermione isn't around! :) I might get a Pygmy Puff from WWW but only if Fred and George give a discount. (Which will only happen if I am super nice, Mum threatens, or I give them some of my secret money stash (which they need none of)! Luna should I subscribe to the quibbler? I thought about it all last night and I think I should! Did you know-Ive never told anyone this but- We only have about 2-3 galleons:( It is very sad, and Mum and Dad never take money if people offer it. Like 3 years ago we only had one so I can't really complain, can I, And I don’t. Hermione to answer your question my only new hobby is that Covid-19 journal you convinced me to do. You should try it Luna, it helps stress and they could make a book about it one day! I am also deprived of privacy with annoying brothers at every turn! Luna you are lucky to be an only child:) I have been trying to get out of the house as much as possible. It helps me stay sane the fresh air does. I really hope Eroll makes the trip. Percy Prefect wouldn't let me use his owl:(
He spends all his time in his room shining his badge or working on ministry stuff and Mum and Dad work almost all day. George and Fred are at their shop and Ron sits around doing who knows what.
-- Your friend, Ginny W.
(Ps: What did he say?)
(Pps: My real name is Ginerva :(
(Ppps: I now really HATE this epidemic because they are canceling EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!)
Dear Hermione and Ginny,
This pandemic is terrible I totally agree! They are canceling everything and we cannot go anywhere anymore unless it is getting groceries or exercising!! I hope you guys are having a tremendous week and I hope you will have an amazing Spring Break and Easter!! You are stupendous friends and I hope we will always remain great friends forever. Some things that I have found to do is play quidditch and read tons of books! I feel like we do not have that much homework and if I am not getting distracted by my cats then I get done with my homework very early around 11:30!! I would rather be in school and see everybody especially my greatest friends. I downloaded the typing app that you use Ginny and thanks to you my calligraphy skills are also improving as well. Thank you!! I love all the books you write. I think they are very entertaining. I definitely agree we should use our code. I just know that people with the mail in their hands will try to read it. I think that we should definitely use our new code instead of our old one because as you said, Ginny, that one is harder to decipher. I really look forward to returning back to Hogwarts soon and seeing all of you guys. I do definitely feel lucky that I am an only child. I feel bad for you guys although sometimes I wish I had some to practice my quidditch with them and sometimes I bet they can be fun to play with. I am very glad that you did not say that comment over lettering Hermione! I would never EVER like to know what that was. And yes by the way I have published a new article for the quibbler. I would love to share it with both of you sometime!! My family can totally donate some money to you Ginny. I always love to help other people! If they do not take it then I will leave it on your doorstep and the next morning Ginny, bring up that you found something on the doorstep. Since your Mum and Dad will not know who it is from as long as you do not tell them they will just have to take it. I just know it! I am doing well and I hope you both do the same. I do not think that you, Ginny, should do Ron’s homework for money that is not right and he should learn to do it himself although I would never wish for him to get expelled. I do not know if he starts making bad grades then you could always try to tutor him. But do not always go with what I say go with what your heart and your mind says to do. I have also been trying to get out of the house a lot and get as much fresh air as I can. It is totally fine Ginny that you forgot what pet I have. It is not like I would expect you to. I have 3 pets. They are all cats. One is named Crookshanks another one is named Dumboldore and my last one is named Luna as myself. I named them all after Harry Potter. I hope to see you guys soon! I hope the best wishes for your family to stay safe and healthy. You are greatly stupendous friends!! Have a great Easter and Spring Break!!!!
Best of wishes,
-Luna Lovegood
Dear Hermione and Luna,
Wow, I did not know you had a cat named Crookshanks Luna! Hermione's cat is also named that, Did you name yours after hers? There is no need to leave me money, and I blush at the thought! Thank you for nursing Eroll back to heath Hermione! He is a sad sack among all owls:( I have made a hobby of, in my free time, Reading, Writing, Quidditch, and trying to prank proof my room so Fred and George can't rig it. I am having an “Illegal” Easter celebration with My whole family, My dads parents and my aunt on my dad's side. We had the easter egg hunt and I found 17 out of 54. Then we had the beebuck auction and I got a shirt, 15 sickles and a macaroon. For Easter I got lots of chocolate and homemade fudge. Also if you think I shouldn't do Ron’s homework I guess I willn't:( Also I think I will subscribe to the quibbler so how much is it? (I have a secret money stash!) Hermione I am Keeping a Covid-19 Journal! Also Ron has been going on and on about something called S.P.E.W. and I still don’t know what it is! He will not tell me! Also I am very sorry that Eroll broke your window Hermione! He is not a very young owl. I asked Ron if I could use Pig, and he said yes, but Pig couldn't carry it all. Harry had to leave because of the Covid-19 so now I don't have anything to do besides the stuff that I mentioned at the beginning of the letter. I hope you guys are doing well! Oh and I do write books but I want to be a professional Quidditch player!
--Your aspiring friend,
Ginny W.
(Ps: Yes we should use the code)
(Check the jobs email)
Dear Hermione and Luna,
I know I was the last one to write but I have something to tell you!
My stupid Brother stole my ink! He gave it back then rented it. He took it into the bathroom and mixed it with water and ruined it. (The bathroom had just been cleaned too.) Mum was SO mad! He had done this before and got in trouble then too. So my ink has left this world. Mum is acting weird, the quarantine has been hard on her with 7 children. So anyway he paid me and I forgave him. I am getting so bored with, well everything. Oh and today I am going to go to my grandma's house “illegally” to eat. My dad is growing a beard. I am really bored are you? Did you know my family only has 111 books all together (not including the magazines) I have read all of them because I do not have a library card. I also have the quibbler! Oh and mum still has Gilderoy Lockhart books!!
-- Your bored friend,
(Ps: Hope to see you soon!)
(Pps: You are coming to my party I hope!)
Dear Hermione and Luna,
WHY ARE YOU NOT RESPONDING!?!?!?! I have written two letters and neither of you are responding? This is so annoying, I wish you would respond, this is my third letter! Are you both on a trip or something?
Sorry, I was reprimanding myself as everyone else in the family. But are you on a trip? Did Eroll drop my letters? Did he give out mid-deliverie? Please respond, Harry has left and Fred and George want a test subject for a new product, not to mention idiot percy, oh and Fluer:( Invite me somewhere or at least respond! Prank proofing my room did nothing, and I must prepare it! Please respond! Just one word would be enough!
Your moaning and alone friend,
----Ginny Weasly
Dear Ginny and Herminoe,
SOrry I have not been writing much. I have been trying to get out of the house and do stuff when it is nice out and I finished a puzzle recently too. I hope you will forgive me. This was the year that I was going to go on lots of trips and all of them got canceled. I am as well bored but I hope that this will all be over soon and we can return back to Hogwarts. You, Ginny, have lots of siblings to prank and to play with so that is better than being an only child. I really miss seeing you both and I can not WAIT till this is over. (Sorry I did not write much. I was not sure what to say.)
Your friend,
Luna Lovegood.
Dear Hermione and Luna,
YAY you responded, I am so elated! I do not blame you at all! I write my letters while on a broom, or in a tree! I also read on my broom and in the tree, oh and at night! (It is quite enjoyable you should try!) I also have tried to get outside, but it has been raining! I also love puzzles! I have one called readers paradise that Hermione might like! Was one of those trips to find crumple horned snorlax? (SOrry if I did not spell it right!) ALso, I have some pets too! Lots, but they are family pets. I wonder where Hermione is, DO you know Luna? This Letter is directed to both of you but…
I got the quibbler! Did you Hermione? \----=-0-{}_{)}||}|+
\ - -)(_){
I have to go, I fell off my broom, I wasn’t paying attention and jumped when I heard my name. And I need to go to dinner.
Dear Hermione and Luna,
Luna, have you seen Hermione lately? I know you know this but she hasn’t responded t0 any of mine. I had a play that I put on yesterday, but It was way short. Sorry I didn’t write much,I have to leave for the well never mind but anyway please respond! I am really bored and my brothers are playing quidditch and using all the brooms! I also read my library book already and am too lazy to get another :(
-Your writing friend,
Ginny W.
(Ps: The prank proofing worked! And my arm is good.)
(PPs:Hope to see you soon!)
(PPPS: PLEASE respond)
Dear Luna and Hermione,
Do you remember the first letter that I ever sent you? It was before any of us had gotten our Hogwarts letter. The year Hermione got hers. If you do not I will write what they said.
(Hermione's first, then Lunas) even though I was friends with Luna because we were in the same neighborhood. I never wrote to you.
Dear Hermionie, Did I spell your name right? Sorry if I did not. Remember how I told you about Luna who was on a trip? I want to introduce you to her , I hope you like her. SHe is super nice! Also my address is, um.. Well just write to um, Ginny Weasly, Burrow England. That should do it. Also please tell me before you come to my house. Actually please do not come to my house. We can meet somewhere else, probably not your house. I might be too impressed by the mug-- Um, fancy stuff.
-- Ginny W.
Dear Luna,
Have you found any crumple horned Snorlacks yet? Wish you were back here Fred and George took me to the Muggle village a week ago. (Because Dad made them) I met a Muggle girl named Hermionie (do not know how to spell her name.)She is kinda a Know-it-all (not braggy though) I like her, she just wants to share knowledge. I hope she is a Muggle-born and gets a letter still. When you come back you can meet her.
--Ginny W.
And (if you forgot) 2 weeks later we were fast friends and started a small business! SO anyway, see you at Hogwarts. Wait sooner!
Your Friend
--Ginny Weasly
My Calligraphy skills are really improving! I am excited to be able to wrote my books faster. The calligraphy app I do is really helping. You should try it. I had a good time yesterday. I brushed my hair for a really long time and it was super silky. I love my hair. And I know it sounds selfish but it is an ok length now and silky. It is also a good color, bright red or orange. Some people say it differently. I was just playing quidditch with Anjulina. She lives kind of close to me. She gave me a broom bar! I just know that Ron will get it all dirty. I know that Harry will see sense, I just know. The Ministry of Magic is bound to start watching the mail, on the Minister's orders. We should start using our code. It is really hard to decipher, I did a test, I slipped a paper into Percy's room and he came out looking enraged. He probably couldn't decipher it, as it was clutched in his hand and he was scarlet in the face. I am not complaining though, it said Percy is a pinhead. He went downstairs and no one else could crack it. He asked me and I deciphered it backward. I have been so obsessed with telling you stuff that I forgot to ask you guys questions! How are you? I am doing good, I hope you are too. Ron has been complaining all summer that he has so much homework. I think he would pay me to do it, should I? I don't think the price will be worth it but, maybe at the end, I will be nearly as smart as Hermione! Ha, probably not maybe third smartest of the year. Behind Luna, and Luna behind Hermione. I enjoy the company of my smart and brave friends. I just know Harry will realize what sits in front of him right now. Yes, I am sitting across from Harry. I am so excited to see you guys at my party in two weeks' time! I hope Errol gets there in time! Now I make personal comments. To Hermione I say, I am sure you are doing extra work. To Luna I say, have you published the new article for the quibbler, you wrote, yet? And also do you have a pet, Luna? It seems silly of me to ask, but I forgot! My freckles are blossoming due to the beautiful weather! I miss you both!
--Ginny Weasly,
your loyal friend
Dearest Ginny and Luna,
I am pleased to say that I am well and I would like to ask if you two have found something to do, like a hobby, during the current times? Are you deprived of privacy in your room ( my darndest brother keeps coming in!), and in diaries? I feel as though everyone can peer in and see! Hope to see you soon! I also would like to know if you have a pet too, Luna as I forgot too! If the two of you don’t know I have a messenger bird and 2 dogs. I would also suggest that you either keep a dream journal or keep a journal about these troubling days. I miss you both so much! I think that it is great that you have someone to focus on, Ginny! We washed one dog yesterday, Daisy, the black lab mix. My dad said such a WEIRD and INAPPROPRIATE comment last night! I will not tell anyone what it was. It is so awful! I may build something amazing today and would like for you both to see it as soon as possible as it is so amazing!
My regards,
Hermione Granger
Dear Hermione and Luna
You said I had something to focus on, what were you talking about? Ron's work or Harry? If I am lucky I may do his work since Hermione isn't around! :) I might get a Pygmy Puff from WWW but only if Fred and George give a discount. (Which will only happen if I am super nice, Mum threatens, or I give them some of my secret money stash (which they need none of)! Luna should I subscribe to the quibbler? I thought about it all last night and I think I should! Did you know-Ive never told anyone this but- We only have about 2-3 galleons:( It is very sad, and Mum and Dad never take money if people offer it. Like 3 years ago we only had one so I can't really complain, can I, And I don’t. Hermione to answer your question my only new hobby is that Covid-19 journal you convinced me to do. You should try it Luna, it helps stress and they could make a book about it one day! I am also deprived of privacy with annoying brothers at every turn! Luna you are lucky to be an only child:) I have been trying to get out of the house as much as possible. It helps me stay sane the fresh air does. I really hope Eroll makes the trip. Percy Prefect wouldn't let me use his owl:(
He spends all his time in his room shining his badge or working on ministry stuff and Mum and Dad work almost all day. George and Fred are at their shop and Ron sits around doing who knows what.
-- Your friend, Ginny W.
(Ps: What did he say?)
(Pps: My real name is Ginerva :(
(Ppps: I now really HATE this epidemic because they are canceling EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!)
Dear Hermione and Ginny,
This pandemic is terrible I totally agree! They are canceling everything and we cannot go anywhere anymore unless it is getting groceries or exercising!! I hope you guys are having a tremendous week and I hope you will have an amazing Spring Break and Easter!! You are stupendous friends and I hope we will always remain great friends forever. Some things that I have found to do is play quidditch and read tons of books! I feel like we do not have that much homework and if I am not getting distracted by my cats then I get done with my homework very early around 11:30!! I would rather be in school and see everybody especially my greatest friends. I downloaded the typing app that you use Ginny and thanks to you my calligraphy skills are also improving as well. Thank you!! I love all the books you write. I think they are very entertaining. I definitely agree we should use our code. I just know that people with the mail in their hands will try to read it. I think that we should definitely use our new code instead of our old one because as you said, Ginny, that one is harder to decipher. I really look forward to returning back to Hogwarts soon and seeing all of you guys. I do definitely feel lucky that I am an only child. I feel bad for you guys although sometimes I wish I had some to practice my quidditch with them and sometimes I bet they can be fun to play with. I am very glad that you did not say that comment over lettering Hermione! I would never EVER like to know what that was. And yes by the way I have published a new article for the quibbler. I would love to share it with both of you sometime!! My family can totally donate some money to you Ginny. I always love to help other people! If they do not take it then I will leave it on your doorstep and the next morning Ginny, bring up that you found something on the doorstep. Since your Mum and Dad will not know who it is from as long as you do not tell them they will just have to take it. I just know it! I am doing well and I hope you both do the same. I do not think that you, Ginny, should do Ron’s homework for money that is not right and he should learn to do it himself although I would never wish for him to get expelled. I do not know if he starts making bad grades then you could always try to tutor him. But do not always go with what I say go with what your heart and your mind says to do. I have also been trying to get out of the house a lot and get as much fresh air as I can. It is totally fine Ginny that you forgot what pet I have. It is not like I would expect you to. I have 3 pets. They are all cats. One is named Crookshanks another one is named Dumboldore and my last one is named Luna as myself. I named them all after Harry Potter. I hope to see you guys soon! I hope the best wishes for your family to stay safe and healthy. You are greatly stupendous friends!! Have a great Easter and Spring Break!!!!
Best of wishes,
-Luna Lovegood
Dear Hermione and Luna,
Wow, I did not know you had a cat named Crookshanks Luna! Hermione's cat is also named that, Did you name yours after hers? There is no need to leave me money, and I blush at the thought! Thank you for nursing Eroll back to heath Hermione! He is a sad sack among all owls:( I have made a hobby of, in my free time, Reading, Writing, Quidditch, and trying to prank proof my room so Fred and George can't rig it. I am having an “Illegal” Easter celebration with My whole family, My dads parents and my aunt on my dad's side. We had the easter egg hunt and I found 17 out of 54. Then we had the beebuck auction and I got a shirt, 15 sickles and a macaroon. For Easter I got lots of chocolate and homemade fudge. Also if you think I shouldn't do Ron’s homework I guess I willn't:( Also I think I will subscribe to the quibbler so how much is it? (I have a secret money stash!) Hermione I am Keeping a Covid-19 Journal! Also Ron has been going on and on about something called S.P.E.W. and I still don’t know what it is! He will not tell me! Also I am very sorry that Eroll broke your window Hermione! He is not a very young owl. I asked Ron if I could use Pig, and he said yes, but Pig couldn't carry it all. Harry had to leave because of the Covid-19 so now I don't have anything to do besides the stuff that I mentioned at the beginning of the letter. I hope you guys are doing well! Oh and I do write books but I want to be a professional Quidditch player!
--Your aspiring friend,
Ginny W.
(Ps: Yes we should use the code)
(Check the jobs email)
Dear Hermione and Luna,
I know I was the last one to write but I have something to tell you!
My stupid Brother stole my ink! He gave it back then rented it. He took it into the bathroom and mixed it with water and ruined it. (The bathroom had just been cleaned too.) Mum was SO mad! He had done this before and got in trouble then too. So my ink has left this world. Mum is acting weird, the quarantine has been hard on her with 7 children. So anyway he paid me and I forgave him. I am getting so bored with, well everything. Oh and today I am going to go to my grandma's house “illegally” to eat. My dad is growing a beard. I am really bored are you? Did you know my family only has 111 books all together (not including the magazines) I have read all of them because I do not have a library card. I also have the quibbler! Oh and mum still has Gilderoy Lockhart books!!
-- Your bored friend,
(Ps: Hope to see you soon!)
(Pps: You are coming to my party I hope!)
Dear Hermione and Luna,
WHY ARE YOU NOT RESPONDING!?!?!?! I have written two letters and neither of you are responding? This is so annoying, I wish you would respond, this is my third letter! Are you both on a trip or something?
Sorry, I was reprimanding myself as everyone else in the family. But are you on a trip? Did Eroll drop my letters? Did he give out mid-deliverie? Please respond, Harry has left and Fred and George want a test subject for a new product, not to mention idiot percy, oh and Fluer:( Invite me somewhere or at least respond! Prank proofing my room did nothing, and I must prepare it! Please respond! Just one word would be enough!
Your moaning and alone friend,
----Ginny Weasly
Dear Ginny and Herminoe,
SOrry I have not been writing much. I have been trying to get out of the house and do stuff when it is nice out and I finished a puzzle recently too. I hope you will forgive me. This was the year that I was going to go on lots of trips and all of them got canceled. I am as well bored but I hope that this will all be over soon and we can return back to Hogwarts. You, Ginny, have lots of siblings to prank and to play with so that is better than being an only child. I really miss seeing you both and I can not WAIT till this is over. (Sorry I did not write much. I was not sure what to say.)
Your friend,
Luna Lovegood.
Dear Hermione and Luna,
YAY you responded, I am so elated! I do not blame you at all! I write my letters while on a broom, or in a tree! I also read on my broom and in the tree, oh and at night! (It is quite enjoyable you should try!) I also have tried to get outside, but it has been raining! I also love puzzles! I have one called readers paradise that Hermione might like! Was one of those trips to find crumple horned snorlax? (SOrry if I did not spell it right!) ALso, I have some pets too! Lots, but they are family pets. I wonder where Hermione is, DO you know Luna? This Letter is directed to both of you but…
I got the quibbler! Did you Hermione? \----=-0-{}_{)}||}|+
\ - -)(_){
I have to go, I fell off my broom, I wasn’t paying attention and jumped when I heard my name. And I need to go to dinner.
Dear Hermione and Luna,
Luna, have you seen Hermione lately? I know you know this but she hasn’t responded t0 any of mine. I had a play that I put on yesterday, but It was way short. Sorry I didn’t write much,I have to leave for the well never mind but anyway please respond! I am really bored and my brothers are playing quidditch and using all the brooms! I also read my library book already and am too lazy to get another :(
-Your writing friend,
Ginny W.
(Ps: The prank proofing worked! And my arm is good.)
(PPs:Hope to see you soon!)
(PPPS: PLEASE respond)
Dear Luna and Hermione,
Do you remember the first letter that I ever sent you? It was before any of us had gotten our Hogwarts letter. The year Hermione got hers. If you do not I will write what they said.
(Hermione's first, then Lunas) even though I was friends with Luna because we were in the same neighborhood. I never wrote to you.
Dear Hermionie, Did I spell your name right? Sorry if I did not. Remember how I told you about Luna who was on a trip? I want to introduce you to her , I hope you like her. SHe is super nice! Also my address is, um.. Well just write to um, Ginny Weasly, Burrow England. That should do it. Also please tell me before you come to my house. Actually please do not come to my house. We can meet somewhere else, probably not your house. I might be too impressed by the mug-- Um, fancy stuff.
-- Ginny W.
Dear Luna,
Have you found any crumple horned Snorlacks yet? Wish you were back here Fred and George took me to the Muggle village a week ago. (Because Dad made them) I met a Muggle girl named Hermionie (do not know how to spell her name.)She is kinda a Know-it-all (not braggy though) I like her, she just wants to share knowledge. I hope she is a Muggle-born and gets a letter still. When you come back you can meet her.
--Ginny W.
And (if you forgot) 2 weeks later we were fast friends and started a small business! SO anyway, see you at Hogwarts. Wait sooner!
Your Friend
--Ginny Weasly