The Lunar Newspaper #1
written by Lizbeth_Berrycloth
The first edition of my newspaper! Link newspaper:
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Crookshanks (Theory)
Chapter 4
There is a super cool theory that deals with Crookshanks. This theory says that Crookshanks was the Potter's cat, since in Wizarding World (formerly Potterhead) there is a drawing of the Potter family with a cat very similar to Crookshanks. According to the theory, Crookshanks escaped from the Potter's house when they died but somehow discovered that it was Peter Pettigrew who had betrayed them. Besides, Crookshanks was no ordinary cat, he was a half kneazle half cat, so well, Mrs. Figg could have given him to the Potters, because she had cats of that kind. Afterwards, Crookshanks arrived at the magic pet store, where he would spend a lot of time (according to the receptionist of that store). Crookshanks immediately recognized Peter when Ron arrived at the store, and so he attacked him. Then Hermione would buy him and Crookshanks met Sirius Black. He persuaded him to help him find Peter and Crookshanks accepted.
Source (This text was translated)
- Erix_Ravenclaw