Hogwarts Meeting
written by Louisa S R W
The meeting place for most magical couples.
Last Updated
Family ties
Chapter 1
If you come from a magical family, the chances are that your parents will have met at school. Both of my parents attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but there are no “real” photos of them at school. Why? Because my father attended between 1937-1944 and my mother attended 1969 to 1976. My uncle however, being two years younger went to Hogwarts at around the same time and I do have a photo of them together.
For those that marry outside of the magical world, i.e. muggles, you will not have been to school with them, perhaps not even know their way of life, unless you have been brought up with a varied education or are a muggle-born.
The photo on the front of the book is from September 1990. I had just been sorted into Gryffindor. It is one of the few photos that I have where I am actually “At school” at the same time as my now husband. He was in his final year at Hogwarts along with a few others I knew, and got on with. He was Seeker of the Gryffindor Quidditch team and, at long last had made the role up to Captain. (Thoroughly deserved in my opinion). He finally got rid of the rat, which was horrible, problem was, he gave it to Ron when he started. He had a large family that he talked constantly about and had introduced me to some of them already.
As you can see in the photo, he was much taller than me, but I was only 12 at the time. I was a young Gryffindor with only few friends. I refused to be with some on the grounds that they only wanted to be with me for extra credit in Potions. I was related to the most feared Professor in the school, well at that point. I wasn’t good at quidditch but took lessons and I was…um mischievous.
We have defiantly changed over the years. A year after this was taken, he was away, learning, working, and growing up, knowing him I have no doubt he was getting into trouble as well because he likes to push the boundaries as far as he can just to see what will happen. He was a strong of-age wizard. He developed from the guy here that is similar to that of Fred and George to a more tough and rugged person. Capable of dealing with anything. Dealing with me in itself is a challenge. From my point of view, he started as my friend and progressed to a big brother, boyfriend and husband. I know I’m stupid, but I’m lucky that he’s still my best friend.
He has known me as the cute and innocent one, when I was little, the cheeky one when I got older, the grieving one and the dark one. Hopefully now we hare the happy ones.