Ryan Kaji (Ryan's World): a story
written by Naginii
my sisters are obsessed with him...
Last Updated
that millionaire 8 year old
Chapter 1
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You all know him, if you have kids.
He's dominating Youtube. Who is he? It's the one and only Ryan Kaji! (Ryan Guan is his real name, Kaji is just a stage name due to his mom, more about that later) He started Youtubing (Ik so cringy) at...blimey!....3 years old! And he actually asked for it! You may say "Oh, he's just a regular kid, why is he famous?" but i mean, he is a normal boy, and that's why he is rich. Also, the channel released the right content, by....the right person..., at the right time. He brought in 22 million USD (Blimey!) last year. He is based in Texas. He has a show, more about that later...