Pure Evil
written by Louisa S R W
The foulest woman in Hogwarts
Last Updated
Sweet Revenge
Chapter 4
It wasn’t until late 1998 that I saw her again. I had returned to the Auror Office and was training with them. It gives me immense satisfaction to declare that I helped bring her down in the end I saw her name come up on our schedule of people to track and detain. She was being held caught for crimes in battle but I, along with the help of a few witnesses (ex-students of Hogwarts) was able to get her on crimes to muggle-borns and crimes to underage wizards. She was is in a holding cell in the Ministry of Magic for a considerable time whilst the new members were considering their verdict. She was taken in April 1999 to a prison cell in Azkaban where she is currently serving out her sentence. Arrangements were made to move her to one of the “lesser” cells (considering she never murdered anyone) but I believe that is still being looked into.