Pure Evil
written by Louisa S R W
The foulest woman in Hogwarts
Last Updated
Chapter 3
Compared to her I would have Barty Crouch as my teacher any day. Even at NEWT level we were not allowed to use actual spells in her class. Anyway, I digress.
Her form of punishment was to get people in detention and use a black quill which is actually a medieval torturing devise. That uses blood for ink and writes on your skin. It leaves quite the impression, I assure you. This should have been banned and her ways were barbaric and cruel. If you were a muggle-born you could expect her to be worse. Either stricter, or the punishment more severe. The Ministry finally drove out Professor Dumbledore and she took over.
As many put it, she was indeed a form of pure evil engulfing the school. She even took to questioning students about Harry Potter and his friends. She used veritaserum, which of course is completely illegal. You could say that she was how I trained. Trained to stay quiet, trained to use common sense. She created a little army of her own but what she didn’t realise was that I was a plant. I was there to put information through to my uncle and to the Gryffindors about what she knew and what she could do. This way “Dumbledore’s Army” could function well. She was taken away later in the year for… breech of contract I believe. Or at least that’s how some people were putting it.
Her form of punishment was to get people in detention and use a black quill which is actually a medieval torturing devise. That uses blood for ink and writes on your skin. It leaves quite the impression, I assure you. This should have been banned and her ways were barbaric and cruel. If you were a muggle-born you could expect her to be worse. Either stricter, or the punishment more severe. The Ministry finally drove out Professor Dumbledore and she took over.
As many put it, she was indeed a form of pure evil engulfing the school. She even took to questioning students about Harry Potter and his friends. She used veritaserum, which of course is completely illegal. You could say that she was how I trained. Trained to stay quiet, trained to use common sense. She created a little army of her own but what she didn’t realise was that I was a plant. I was there to put information through to my uncle and to the Gryffindors about what she knew and what she could do. This way “Dumbledore’s Army” could function well. She was taken away later in the year for… breech of contract I believe. Or at least that’s how some people were putting it.