Hold Me
written by Louisa S R W
Imaginings of when you are a young orphan
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Chapter 1
Loss is a big part of life. Everyone goes through it. They call it the circle of life. It feels even bigger when you have experienced it at a young age. By the time I was three I had lost both of my parents. One was killed in front of me and one, I heard about after the “event”. If any of you have experienced something like this then I am with you. I truly understand.
My father was a “well-known” person and his picture or some sort of image was around. My mother however, was not. She like, my uncle kept in the background more and it wasn’t until I was 11 that I was given a photo of her to keep.
I don’t know if this was just something I did or it is something do when they long to know, wish to imagine what a life with their parents would look like. What I did, was to take pictures that I had of them… any old picture and arrange them with pictures of me in the present day and make it look like they were holding me. I wanted my mother with me, so I stuck her head on my uncle’s body. I made it look like she was hugging me. I sounds terrible, but I wanted her with me. I knew that if I squinted or cried enough it wouldn’t matter.
I know some of my concoctions were found because I was asked about them. I didn’t care. I even tried to make us look as though we matched in our Gryffindor robes together. Was it a bad thing? Probably. But it’s what you do when you grieve. You do strange things.
My father was a “well-known” person and his picture or some sort of image was around. My mother however, was not. She like, my uncle kept in the background more and it wasn’t until I was 11 that I was given a photo of her to keep.
I don’t know if this was just something I did or it is something do when they long to know, wish to imagine what a life with their parents would look like. What I did, was to take pictures that I had of them… any old picture and arrange them with pictures of me in the present day and make it look like they were holding me. I wanted my mother with me, so I stuck her head on my uncle’s body. I made it look like she was hugging me. I sounds terrible, but I wanted her with me. I knew that if I squinted or cried enough it wouldn’t matter.
I know some of my concoctions were found because I was asked about them. I didn’t care. I even tried to make us look as though we matched in our Gryffindor robes together. Was it a bad thing? Probably. But it’s what you do when you grieve. You do strange things.