Letter to me
written by Louisa S R W
If I could write a letter to me.
Last Updated
To little me
Chapter 2
To Louisa (aged 3, now an orphan living in Knockturn Alley)
Don’t be scared. It seems hard now but it will be ok I promise. Without Mummy it is going to be strange but Uncle Severus is going to look after you just fine. Do what he says. Be happy, make friends and remember it is ok to cry. Trust in Gert because he will help you.
Lots of love older Louisa
To Louisa (aged 5, about to move to the grounds of Hogwarts in secret)
Think of this next part as an adventure. Keep smiling. You are doing so well. Remember that love is a big part of what we have and what we need in life. Take every chance you get.
Love older Louisa
P.S. Brush your hair because it hurts.