Chapter 3
After the death of Cedric, I never trusted Moody again, not fully, and he understood why. But the truth was that I didn’t trust anyone again for a very long time. In fact, I’m not sure that is true. I don’t think that I can even say that. I think that I trusted and was let down so immensely that in over twenty years I am still not over it. Anger. That is what was felt. Rage. Shock. I could make a huge list and it still wouldn’t be enough. The strange thing is that the “real” Moody later was to help me shape my anger into something that I have come to use as a strength. The “real” Moody helped me to become an Auror, showing me what dark wizards are really capable of doing if they really want to. Not that I need showing. He may have been a grump and a grouch but in the end, he was always willing to lay down his life for you.