Don't Worry Severus
written by Louisa S R W
Last Updated
Chorus of my life
Chapter 1
The words DON’T WORRY SEVERUS was something I continued to hear from people the whole time I was under the guardianship of my uncle Severus Snape. If I went to a friend’s house for Christmas or a summer holiday their parent would inevitably say, don’t worry Severus, I know how to look after her. Teachers and Mme Pomfrey would say it and not always about me, as he would also worry about other things too. As I got older, I understood that it was not always about a person that he was worrying about moreover a situation.
Everyone seemed to have a different style, different tact for handling the situation: Myself, and perhaps my mother before me had a stern way of dealing with it. Professor Dumbledore had a way of being very light and delicate. Mme Pomfrey and Professor McGonagall must have seen too much of his fussing over the years because it usually came out very sharp. Molly and Arthur Weasley had a way of smiling gently that showed they knew he meant well but he didn’t need to fuss which probably irritated him. The Diggorys agreed and made notes. Usually “wouldn’t have it another way” would make its way into the conversation at some point.
It became all the more prevalent when I became ill. It had become so routine anyway that people started holding hands out for “The List” or saying “Hello, now don’t worry Severus, everything is prepared. She will be fine.” It became such a routine part of life that when I started living at Malfoy Manor, it didn’t shock me for people to say Don’t Worry, in fact I was concerned if they didn’t say it. Narcissa Malfoy, in fact most women, complimented it with a calming arm gesture. Even my father, when he had enough strength, would turn and quite matter-of-factly say Don’t Worry Severus.
PS . I chose to show you a photo of my uncle that proves why he had greasy hair.... It was CURLY and flew EVERYWHERE !!!