Chapter 1
~you fought with your friend and as soon as you go out of the room you think "She might be tired or maybe she was just angry" But is she really and slowly days after days she starts becoming abusive. Now it is too late. Her words ache your heart forever.
~Boiling a frog (gross I know ) you boil the water and the put the frog in it. What happens? it jumps out realising that the water is too hot, But what if you put the frog in the water before boiling the water and increase the heat slowly? It won't the small temperatures in the water and when it is too late it dies!
~ So Before the big mistakes or if there is a small fight in your relationship it might be too late if you don't notice! Notice the small changes and you will succeed
~Boiling a frog (gross I know ) you boil the water and the put the frog in it. What happens? it jumps out realising that the water is too hot, But what if you put the frog in the water before boiling the water and increase the heat slowly? It won't the small temperatures in the water and when it is too late it dies!
~ So Before the big mistakes or if there is a small fight in your relationship it might be too late if you don't notice! Notice the small changes and you will succeed