Raven St. Claire: Vol. One

This is the story of Raven St. Claire an orphan who wanted nothing more then a family. What she discovers, is more then she bargained for.

If this book is successful I will post Vol. Two.

Last Updated






Years One Through Seven.

Chapter 6

Raven loved Hogwarts, she had made friends with Lily and Severus and noticed how mean James, Sirius, Remus and Peter were to Severus, which is why Lily and Raven didn’t talk to them. Raven’s first year she stayed at Hogwarts for Christmas, and Easter. She was worried she wouldn’t receive Christmas presents but woke up to find presents from Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Professor Slughorn, Hagrid and Lily. Raven spent her first summer at Hogsmade, working at the various stores. The following Christmas Raven was invited to the Evans, where she spent time with Lily and Severus at the park. Severus never paid much attention to Raven, because he was more interested in Lily. But Raven and Severus got along when they made jokes about Petunia Evans, Lily’s older sister. The second summer Raven stayed at The Leaky Cauldron and worked at the stores in Diagon Ally. She preferred Diagon Ally more than Hogsmade since Lily and Severus came to visit her from time and time. Raven and Lily became close, and there friendship became stronger when Severus called Lily a ‘Mudblood’. After that Severus tried to apologize, to Lily and there were times Raven wanted to forgive him, but couldn’t since she realized Severus loved Lily not her, even though Raven had a crush him. Raven had spent Christmas at the Evans house, Easters at Hogwarts studying for exams, and her summers at The Leaky Cauldron which she had her own room at, room 10. She had been on the Ravenclaw Quiditch team and was there seeker.  Raven’s fifth year she became a Perfect and received an O (Outstanding) on her O.W.L.s, she had also decided then she wanted to be an Auror. Raven also became a Animagi her sixth year, her Animagus is a Raven. Also during Raven’s sixth year, she was attacked at night and the witch who attacked her left the words Mudblood on her left upper wrist, Severus had found Raven and taken her to the hospital, which was when Raven reconnected with him. Raven became a Head Girl her seventh year and passed her NEWTs.

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