The Stories of an Immortal

written by Aimée Rose

Random short stories about different adventures in a variety of places, times and situations, from the perspective of a time travelling immortal.

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The Victorian Séance

Chapter 3
I was curious. I had been to many a séance in my time, but I had yet to delve into the secrets of what they were like in Victorian times. Obviously, I had heard many ghostly (and often contradictory) tales about what happened in these dimly lit rooms, but I wanted to find out for myself. I ended up in London, on the corner of a dank street, at about 9 o’clock in the evening. A stout woman with grey, thin hair piled up on top of her head, was sitting on a wooden circular table, along with a couple of others. I paid my 3 shillings fee and sank into one of the (uncomfortable) chairs. Once everyone had sat down, the gas was immediately turned down and the room was plunged into a shadowy darkness, forbidding me to properly take in my surroundings and the faces of these strangers. We started with a hymn – I’m not extremely familiar with any songs like this, but I tried my best to join in. The stout woman, who I believe is called Mrs Griffiths, made a lovely little speech about taking comfort in our loved ones being near, before asking us all to join hands. While Mrs Griffiths was trying to encourage spirits to join us, I was keeping my eyes and ears peeled for anything suspicious. In the gaps of silence I could hear a soft rustling that could either have been a voice or some dead leaves twitching in a gentle breeze. My other senses soon detected different sensations, such as a faint tinkling sound, something brushing against my face, or a ghostly figure rising in the corner of the room. I was not frightened though, I assume once you reach a certain age and have seen more than anyone else, almost nothing scares you anymore. As I altered my attention back to the table, I found that apparently the spirits had left us a gift of chrysanthemums. Murmurs of surprise and confusion echoed around the small room, but I knew it was just the maid who had sneakily placed them there. Now, a young girl called Esther was seemingly about to perform a manifestation. She was placed in a separate room connected to the one we were all in, and perched herself on a chair with strong silver cord attached. I hadn’t realised they were going to bind the maiden down! Once an old gentleman and the woman next to him had assured everyone else that Esther was tightly fastened to the chair and had no way to escape, we rearranged our chairs to face the open doorway where we could just about make out Esther. It was starting. What looked like a luminous mist was slowly floating upwards, away from Esters body. I was fascinated! It had the shape of a human, but without any distinct features on its face, clothes or skin. As quickly as it appeared, it retreated back into Esther’s body and gradually diminished. Intriguing, yet not a spirit. Esther started convulsing, like she was having a seizure (don’t worry, she wasn’t, she was just a remarkable actor). Several shocked exclamations could be heard as people looked on in disbelief. Eventually, she stopped and seemed to collapse in her chair. This time, I volunteered to release her from her bonds. They seemed to have cut into her delicate wrists more strongly than she normally anticipated, and although she was an actor, I felt the need to make sure she was alright. Offering her my arm, I drew her back into the other room. Currently, they were just about to begin making a link with lost ones. I knew that no-one would ever visit me as a spirit because I had no source where people could find such information out about me. Nonetheless, I agreed to stay for a short while longer. The rest of the evening passed sluggishly and felt a little dull. Some questions were asked, some knocks appeared as answers, people sobbed, cried, wept and then it was all over. Normally, someone runs out half way through, but I suppose most of these people were used to it and just wanted to be closer to their love ones. I suppose I could at least understand that a little.
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