Journal Of Arcus Kern
Journal of Arcus Kern, on the journeys and adventures along with danger and magic. Translated from the Anglo-Saxon Rune, Olde English, and Latin by Feenice Dorcati.
Last Updated
August 16, 1378
Chapter 7
Tested the hex and curse on my duplicate created by the Gemino Curse. Quite interesting, I should look for more in the book. Seems like the spells were invented by the scribe himself, knowing so much about all of them.
Came out to Fatal Alley. Went to Wintnoc Wizarding Bank to retrieve 200 Galleons from Gringotts. Bought a Wizarding Weekly magazine. It says the magazine will halt its business and restart somewhere in the 21st century, if the world still existed until then.
Got myself a Butterbeer and went back to the shack. Should be leaving tomorrow, there's an urgent call from the Order of Merlin. Gotta feed Vertus for tomorrow's trip back to Britain.