Cat vs. Cucumber. Who will win? Part 3
written by Akira♡
The final battle of the cat vs cucumbers, and behind the scenes.
Last Updated
The final battle
Chapter 1
The cats remained in battle position. Then they pounced on the cucumbers. Well only the leader of the cats did, Grumpy cat. All the other cats were afraid of the cucumbers. Search it up. The cucumbers had there final move. The laser pointer. They pointed the laser towards the lake. The cats followed. Then they fell into the lake, the cats were all wet. Except one, the cat who didn't follow the laser, the ever infamous; grumpy cat. The grumpy cat was now holding a weapon, a dangerous one. The chopper. Grumpy cat sliced Cucumber the cucumber down. However, things did not go well for grumpy cat. The chopper only worked for a few seconds. After he chopped down cucumber the cucumber, he rebirthed as a new cucumber. Slightly more dumb, but he was cucumber the cucumber. The cat was out of options. Grumpy cats and the rest of them surrendered. The cucumbers had won!
The End, comment for backstory.
The End, comment for backstory.