The Order of the Phoenix
Chapter 5
As I have already mentioned, at was a time in my life when I was very very weak so very few things that are magical, I feel represent me very well. However, I had a long spell where Tonks and I were very much in eachother’s pockets during that summer, so that seems a logical fit. As we were both metamorphmagi and at the time she was trying her best to make me happy it really makes me feel as though I am “part of the team” when she is there.
Whilst at Hogwarts I am represented by the room of requirements. It is Neville that discovers the room of requirements and the room takes on a very sentient feel. It certainly makes me feel as though I have been brought in as an added extra, as though I could even speak for the room itself. In reality I was not part of Dumbledore’s Army. I had no need. I was more of a bonus feature.
As long as you understand I was never against them either. I didn’t turn them in.