The Hogwarts Daily News Issue #53

Harry Potter's first line quiz answers! HDN team members all about us and a FUN FACT!

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Issue Fifty Three:

Chapter 1
Harry Potter Characters’ First Line Quiz Answers

In the last issue, we had a quiz called Harry Potter Characters’ First Line Quiz. Well, here are the answers to that quiz! Prepare to be surprised!
1. “Has anyone seen a toad?” - Hermione Granger
2. ''P-p-potter, c-can't t-tell you how p-pleased I am to meet you.'' - Professor Quirrell
3.'' I should have known.'' - Albus Dumbledore
'4. '- packed with Muggles, of course -'' - Molly Weasley
5. ''Ah, yes. Harry Potter.'' - Severus Snape
6. ''Oooooooh! Ickle firsties!'' - Peeves
7. ''Nearly.'' - Harry Potter
8. ''Mom - geroff.'' - Ronald Weasley
9. ''Can't stay long, Mother.'' - Percy Weasley
10. 'Hello. Hogwarts, too?'' - Draco Malfoy
11. ''Nine and three-quarters!'' - Ginny Weasley
12. ''Little tyke.'' - Vernon Dursley

There are the answers to this quiz, hope you enjoyed! Feel free to owl Samantha Love, Kaela Black, or Celeste Evergreen for comments, concerns, suggestions, and questions! Have a great day!

By Celeste Evergreen
HDN Team

It takes a great team to make this newspaper on a daily basis. We have writers, editors, interviewers, managers, members, reporters, designers, leaders of projects, interns, and heads of interns. We have 21 members on the HDN team and 16 members on the HDN Intern team. We all work so hard to write great articles and give you fun and entertaining news! I will present to you the 21 members of the HDN team…

She is one of our amazing writers. She wrote the “Nicolas Flamel and the Sorcerer’s Stone” article, that can be found on issue #51. She is a Gryffindor/Slytherin witch, full of brains. She is funny and humorous and a totally awesome person!
Steluvius Black
He is a new writer for our newspaper. He is a pure-blood Slytherin, that loves magical beasts. He is very intelligent and loves Quidditch and pranks. He’s a great friend to whom you can go to if you need something.

Lily Eastwood
She’s one of our fantastic editors. She is a Muggle-born Ravenclaw, who is a metamorphmagus. She is a kind and caring witch, who loves to read and to write.

Emilia Lestrange
Emilia is another of our fantastic writers. She wrote articles like ‘What if Percy Jackson Characters Went to Hogwarts?’, that is in issue #19. She is a Slytherin witch, who is also a metamorphmagus and she is extremely gifted in Occlumency.

Lily Featherleigh
She is also one of our writers and she is a talented pure-blood Ravenclaw witch. She loves to write, read, and a lot of other things. She is a wonderful person.

Harmony Luna Granger
She is a fantastic member of our team. She is a muggle-born Ravenclaw witch, which is also an animagus, which form is a fox. She loves books and to write to them. She is an incredible person.

Kyra-Lynn is also a member of our team. She is an American witch, or as she says a ‘yes-mam’. She was sorted in Ravenclaw, but she is actually a Gryffindor (it’s a long story...see it on her backstory). She is funny and an amazing girl.

She is one more of our incredible members. She is a Ravenclaw witch, who is smart and has a lot of wits.

Kylyn Cooper
She is our Small Projects Manager, but she also writes for our newspaper. She is on the Gryffindor Quidditch Team and writes incredible articles like ‘The Triwizard Tournament’, that is on issue #28. She is an awesome person and a very active and fantastic writer.

Hadley Cooper
Hadley is our Assistant Manager. She is a Gryffindor witch, like her sister, Kylyn, and she is on the Gryffindor Cheer Team. She also writes for our newspaper and the latest article that she wrote is ‘Wizarding World Life Hacks’, that is on issue #50. She is an incredible person and an awesome writer.

Aloha Potion 101
She another of our fantastic writers. She recently joined the team and has written the article ‘Butterbeer Recipe’, in issue #51. She is a Ravenclaw witch who loves to write and to read. She loves Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and High School Musical. She is an amazing person and a very creative colleague.

Hazel Anderson
She is the only Sports Reporter that we have, but she does not do only sports articles. In fact, she wrote the article ‘Harry Potter Character’s Last Words’, in issue #49. She is a Muggle-born Gryffindor, who loves Quidditch and that is a chaser for her House Team. She is a sporty girl, but still loves books. She is kind, smart, and funny.

Yash Potter
Yash is our only designer and writer. He is a half-blood Gryffindor, with an incredible imagination. He wrote the article ‘My Notes From a Ravenclaw (Year 1) By Anne Pickering’, in issue #6.

Hermione Potter Granger
She is another one of our most important writers for the HDN. She wrote articles like ‘Interview to Violet Granger-Weasley on the Printemps Ball’, in issue #38. She is a Muggle-born Gryffindor witch, that loves books. She is clever and brave and she loves to study. She’s an incredible writer and a wonderful friend.

Beezer Granger
She is the last writer that is going to be talked about in this article and she is such an important part of the HDN. She writes a lot of articles for the HDN, and she’s a Gryffindor witch that loves animals. She would like to be a magizoologist when she finishes her studies. She is a bookworm and has read all of the textbooks. She is actually the one writing that wrote this article… In fewer words, she is me.

Samantha Love
Sam is our fantastic manager. She is a strong-willed Ravenclaw witch, who shows how much she loves this newspaper. She is determined and she is an amazing person. She wrote a lot of ‘Fun Facts’, that can be found at the bottom of every article and she is the one who is running the HDN, so thank you!

Celeste Evergreen
She is one of our co-managers. She is a very studious Hufflepuff and aspires to be a professor at Hogwarts when she finishes her courses. She loves to write, and actually, she has published a lot of books. The last article she wrote was ‘We’re Hiring!’, in issue #44, and she has written many others. She is a wonderful colleague and an amazing person.

Kaela Black
Kaela is our other co-manager and she is awesome. She often publishes our articles and on the HDN group something about our articles. She is a Gryffindor witch, that loves to read and write. She wrote the article ‘Is Harry Potter the Most Popular Fandom?’, in issue #44. She is incredible and a hard-working person.

As you can see, we are a very united team, who loves to write and we do so just for you (that are reading this)! I hope that you liked this article and please contact us if you have a suggestion for our next articles.
-Beezer Granger

It’s time for your daily fun fact today!! Did you know that although she was christened Joanne Rowling, Harry Potter was published under the pen name 'J.K. Rowling’? This was suggested by her editor, who thought boys might not read a book written by a woman. This is kinda sad, but this probably really helped Harry Potter books become famous. As she does not have a middle name, Joanne chose the initial 'K' for Kathleen, the name of her paternal grandmother. Also, did you know that before she wrote Harry Potter, Rowling wrote several books including “The Cuckoos Calling” and “Career of Evil” under the pen name of Robert Galbraith!

- Hadley Cooper and Celeste Evergreen
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