Folio Magi: A Complete Guide To All Chocolate Frog Cards
It is unknown when the idea for Chocolate Frog Cards was conceived, or who was the first wizard ever to be put on one, but for years young (and young at heart) witches and wizards have been collecting and trading cards. This book contains a complete guide to all 134 Chocolate Frog Cards, including pictures, dates, and descriptions, and a bonus section for you to create your own Chocolate Frog cards and boxes. Your Chocolate Frog Card collection is not complete without the Folio Magi! Coverart by Aladraws available here:
Last Updated
Additional Chocolate Frog Cards
Chapter 18
Additional Chocolate Frog Cards
Professor Armando Dippet:
c. 1942
Former Headmaster of Hogwarts.
Dzou Yen: Falco Aesalon: Ancient Greek
4th Century B.C.
Chinese Alchemist
The first recorded example of an Animagus, he could transform himself into a falcon.
Barberus Bragge:
fl. 1269
Introduced the Golden Snidget into Quidditch in 1269, changing the face of the game forever and was Chief of the Wizards' Council in the 1260s.
Edgar Cloggs:
Ghost who has been hanging around the (Hogwarts) Quidditch Pitch as long as anyone can remember. Edgar was obviously a pretty good player in his day and was willing to help the Quidditch teams of Hogwarts practise.