Folio Magi: A Complete Guide To All Chocolate Frog Cards
It is unknown when the idea for Chocolate Frog Cards was conceived, or who was the first wizard ever to be put on one, but for years young (and young at heart) witches and wizards have been collecting and trading cards. This book contains a complete guide to all 134 Chocolate Frog Cards, including pictures, dates, and descriptions, and a bonus section for you to create your own Chocolate Frog cards and boxes. Your Chocolate Frog Card collection is not complete without the Folio Magi! Coverart by Aladraws available here:
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Famous Dragon Chocolate Frog Cards
Chapter 16
Famous Dragon Chocolate Cards
Number 01 - Common Welsh Green:
The Common Welsh Green dragon, or just Welsh Green, is a native of Wales. It nests in the higher mountain regions where a reservation has been set up for it.
Number 02 - Hebridean Black:
It has dark rough scales, ridges along its back, and a tail tipped with an arrow-shaped spike. The Hebridean Black has brilliant purple eyes and can grow to be up to thirty feet long. Its favourite food is deer, although it has been known to carry off cows.
Number 03 - Hungarian Horntail:
The Hungarian Horntail is a dragon native to Hungary and is considered to be the most dangerous dragon breed.
Number 04 - Romanian Longhorn:
The native territory of the Longhorn has become home to the world's largest and most important dragon reservation. In recent years, the Longhorn has undergone an intensive breeding program after its numbers plummeted due to the demand for its horn.
Number 05 - Norwegian Ridgeback:
The Norwegian Ridgeback is a dragon native to Norway, and its habitat is the Northern mountains.