Folio Magi: A Complete Guide To All Chocolate Frog Cards
It is unknown when the idea for Chocolate Frog Cards was conceived, or who was the first wizard ever to be put on one, but for years young (and young at heart) witches and wizards have been collecting and trading cards. This book contains a complete guide to all 134 Chocolate Frog Cards, including pictures, dates, and descriptions, and a bonus section for you to create your own Chocolate Frog cards and boxes. Your Chocolate Frog Card collection is not complete without the Folio Magi! Coverart by Aladraws available here:
Last Updated
Famous Witch And Wizard Chocolate Frog Cards: Numbers 80 - 89
Chapter 10
Famous Witch And Wizard Chocolate Frog Cards: Numbers 80 - 89
Number 80 - Beatrix Bloxam:
1794 - 1810
Author of the Toadstool Tales, a series of children's books since banned because they have been found to cause nausea and vomiting.
Number 81 - Quong Po:
Magical Creatures Specialist
1443 - 1539
Born in China, Quong Po studied Chinese Fireball dragons, or Liondragons, and discovered the uses of their powdered eggs.
Number 82 - Rowena Ravenclaw:
Co-Founder of Hogwarts
Medieval, dates unknown
Co-founder of Hogwarts. Gave her name to one of the four Hogwarts houses. It's thought that she came up with the ever-changing floor plan. She's best remembered for her intelligence and creativity.
Number 83 - Roderick Plumpton:
1889 - 1987
Seeker for England's Quidditch team. Holds British record for fastest capture of Golden Snitch during game: three and a half seconds.
1903 - present
President of English Gobstones team.
Number 85 - Blenheim Stalk:
1920 - present
Muggle expert and author of many books, including Muggles Who Notice, a study of Muggle awareness of magic.
Number 86 - Dorcas Wellbeloved:
1812 - 1904
Founder of the Society for Distressed Witches.
Number 87 - Thaddeus Thurkell:
1632 - 1692
Famous for producing seven Squib sons and turning them all into hedgehogs in disgust.
Number 88 - Celestina Warbeck:
1917 - present
Popular singing sorceress.
Number 89 - Alberta Toothill:
1391 - 1483
Winner of the All-England Wizarding Duelling Competition of 1430. Famously overcame the favorite, Samson Wiblin, with a Blasting Charm.