Deathday Party
written by Louisa S R W
Have you been to one?
Last Updated
Deathday Party
Chapter 1
Have you ever experienced a deathday party?
If you haven’t you should. They are amazing fun. I have been to several.
Most of the time they are held in the dungeons of the castle but some ghosts prefer to have them in the place that they died. It depends. I used to attend the ones that took place in the dungeons simply because I used to live there.
For instance: the deathday of Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington was the 31st October 1492 therefore his 500th year deathday was in 1992 which was a special occasion attended by various people, ghosts and poltergeists. I think it really did mean a lot to him that so many beings had turned up.
Moaning Myrtle and Peeves seemed to celebrate every day so that wasn’t quite as much of a special moment. But Halloween was definitely a special day for everyone to celebrate.
1st November also became deathday celebration so the tradition ended up becoming longer and longer. People think that reminiscing about death would be horrible but in actual fact it is really quite delightful. Especially for the living.
I always ended up asking the Bloody Baron what Slytherin was really like they always love when you ask them about gruesome details and loved asking them. It was brilliant because nobody else was going to tell me.
If you haven’t you should. They are amazing fun. I have been to several.
Most of the time they are held in the dungeons of the castle but some ghosts prefer to have them in the place that they died. It depends. I used to attend the ones that took place in the dungeons simply because I used to live there.
For instance: the deathday of Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington was the 31st October 1492 therefore his 500th year deathday was in 1992 which was a special occasion attended by various people, ghosts and poltergeists. I think it really did mean a lot to him that so many beings had turned up.
Moaning Myrtle and Peeves seemed to celebrate every day so that wasn’t quite as much of a special moment. But Halloween was definitely a special day for everyone to celebrate.
1st November also became deathday celebration so the tradition ended up becoming longer and longer. People think that reminiscing about death would be horrible but in actual fact it is really quite delightful. Especially for the living.
I always ended up asking the Bloody Baron what Slytherin was really like they always love when you ask them about gruesome details and loved asking them. It was brilliant because nobody else was going to tell me.