<a href="https://ibb.co/98MdMBb">
Sirius (Holly Greengrass)
James (Steluvius Black)
Lupin (Lily Eastwood)
Peter (Beatrix Malfoy AKA Adrienne Beaulieu)
Lily (Hermione Potter Granger)
Mary McDonald (Martha Tonks)
Alice (Jamie Blaze)
Amelia Bones (Mikayla Lilith Black)
Andromeda (Temperance Klasey)
Bellatrix (Holly Greengrass)
Narcissa (Emilia Lestrange)
Snape (Ghost, Regina and Sebastian)
Lucius Malfoy (Justina Cento and etc)
Marlene McKinnon (Courtney Clearwater)
Ted Tonks (Renè Weasley)
Professor McGonagall (Kathe Calwitter)
Professor Slughorn (Christian Parker)
Professor Dumbledore (May Granger)
Professor Flitwick (Cho Potter)
Professor Sprout (Jean Whisp)
Voldemort (Molly)
Molly Prewett (Ali Gottschalk)
Temporary off:
Bellatrix's daughter (Rose Midnight)
Rodolphus Lestrange
Arthur Weasley
If you want to be one of the people that we don't have, join this group (https://www.hogwartsishere.com/groups/35712/) and ask for a role!