Harry Potter Spells

Has all the harry potter spells, owl me if i missed on at Harry Potter At pizzadoesminecraft@gmail.com

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Chapter 1

                         HARRY POTTER SPELLS

AccioCharmSummons an object
AguamentiCharmShoots water from wand.
AlohomoraCharmOpens locked objects
AnapneoSpellClears the target's airway.
ApareciumSpellReveals invisible ink
Avada KedavraCurseMurders opponent Unforgivable
AviforsCharmTurns small objects into birds
AvisSpellLaunches birds from your wand
Cave InimicumSpellStrengthen an enclosure from enemies
ColloportusSpellMagically locks door
ConfringoCurseExplode Flames on target
ConfundusCharmUsed to confuse opponent
ConjunctivitisCurseDamages opponents eyesight
CrucioCurseTortures opponent Unforgivable
DefodioSpellDig out materials
DeletriusSpellCounters "Prior Incatato"
DensaugeoSpellEnlarges Teeth
DeprimoSpellWind Damaging Spell
DiffindoSpellSplits seams
DissendiumSpellOpens "One eyed witch" hump
DuroSpellMakes Objects Hard
EngorgioCharmEnlarges and item
EnnervateSpellCounters Stupefy
EpiskeySpellHeals minor injuries
ErectoSpellErects things
Expecto PatronumCharmCreates a Patronus
ExpelliarmusCharmDisarms your opponent
ExpulsoSpellMakes Objects Explode
FerulaSpellCreates bandages
FideliusCharmHides a secret within someone
Finite IncantatumSpellStops any current spells
FlagrateSpellAllows user to write on objects
FlipendoJinxKnocks an object backwards
FurnunculusCurseProduces boils on opponent
GeminioSpellDuplicates an Object
GlisseoSpellTurns stairs into ramps
Homenum RevelioSpellReveals humans nearby
HomorphusCharmLockhart's Werewolf "cure"
ImmobulusCharmRenders target immobile.
ImpedimentaCharmSlows an advancing object
ImperioCurseControls a person Unforgivable
ImperviusCharmMakes an object repel water
IncarcerousSpellTies someone up
IncendioSpellStarts a fire
LanglockSpellGlues opponent's tongue to roof of mouth
LegilimensSpellAllows the caster to delve into the mind of the victim
LevicorpusSpellHangs victim upside down by feet
Locomotor MortisCurseLocks opponents legs
LumosSpellCreates light at wand tip
Meteolojinx RecantoSpellCauses weather effect spells to stop
MobiliarbusCharmMoves objects with wand
MobilicorpusSpellMoves unconscious bodies
MorsmordeSpellConjures the Dark Mark
MuffliatoSpellPrevents nearby people from listening to conversations
NoxSpellCounter to Lumos
ObliviateCharmErases memories
ObscuroSpellBlindfolds the victim
OppugnoSpellMakes conjured items attack
OrchideousSpellConjures a bunch of flowers
PackSpellPacks a trunk (suitcase)
Peskipiksi PesternomiSpellRemoves Pixies (maybe)
Petrificus TotalusSpellBody - Bind
Piertotum LocomotorSpellAnimates statues and armor suits
Point MeCharmWand acts like a compass
Priori IncantatumSpellResult when brother wands duel
Prior IncantatoSpellReveals a wands last spell / cast
ProtegoCharmCause spells to reflect back to the sender. 
Protego HorribilisSpellProtects one from Dark Magic
Protego TotalumSpellArea Protection Spell
QuietusSpellCounter spell for Sonorus
ReducioSpellReturns items to original size. Counters Engorgio
ReductoSpellBlasts solid objects aside
RelashioSpellReleases user from binding
RennervateSpellCures unconsciousness
ReparoSpellRepairs Things
Repello MuggletumSpellKeeps Muggles away
RictusempraCharmTickles opponent
RiddikulusSpellUse this spell and laugh to defeat a boggart
Salvio HexiaSpellProtection against hexes
ScrugeCharmDestroys ectoplasm (remains of ghosts)
SectumsempraSpellCauses wounds as if slashed by a sword
SerpensortiaSpellProduces Snake
SilencioSpellSilences victim
SonorusSpellAmplifies voice
Specialis RevelioSpellReveals Hidden secrets or magical properties
StupefySpellKnocks out opponent
TarantallegraSpellForces opponent to dance
TergeoSpellCleans up messes
WaddiwasiSpellUnsticks an object
Wingardium LeviosaCharmMakes on object fly

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