The Hogwarts Daily News Issue #46
written by Kaela inactive till summe
Do you know what it’s like to have to act like you’re bad at something that you are trained to be good at???
Last Updated
Issue Forty Six:
Chapter 1
Wands: woods - Part 3
Wands with this wood usually choose wizards and witches that are passed through mortal peril unscathed. They are perfectly suited for Transfiguration and prefer masters that are focused, strong-minded, and, sometimes, intimidating demeanor.
Wands with this wood are best suited for complex and intriguing masters. They are great at dealing magic, but their spells can backfire more easily when badly handled.
Wands made out of this wood are particularly sensitive and often reflect their owner's emotional state. It can discharge unpredictably the amount of energy that it gets from its user’s emotions. It can make outstanding magic in the right hands and is totally loyal to their owner, refusing to perform magic to any other. They have the strange ability to detect water underground and will emit a silvery, tear-shaped puff of smoke when passing them.
One of the rarest types of woods that vary dramatically depending on the wand core.
Wands that have this wood often choose a master with a single, pure passion. They adapt quickly to their master's style of magic and are difficult to be used by other people. It is a particularly fine-tuned and sentient wand.
This wood is strong, durable, and as a warm color and it is considered an attractive and powerful wood. It usually seeks wizards or witches with much courage and confidence, that can handle this difficult wand. This wood ides talents and unexpected effects and only a master that as those talents can release them.
This is the most loyal wand wood known and it is an extremely active one that will not tolerate laziness from its owner. When anyone tries to steal it, it strikes a flash of lightning to warn its master.
This wand wood prefers an owner that likes to travel and to explore and that is very ambitious. It loves duels and challenges. It is a beautiful and desirable wand wood and it prefers a master with status.
This is a golden-toned wood that can produce wands with splendid magical powers. the wands with this wood are known to cause those who are warm-earthed, generous, wise, popular, and well-respected.
This wood prefers a wizard or witch that is independent, loner, intriguing, and mysterious. It needs a lot of creativity from their masters. They often indicate that their owners are going to live a long life and they are the most sensitive to non-verbal magic.
Ok, so there is actually a Part 4! But no Part 5, don’t worry! Part 4, the last part of the Wands: Woods series is coming in the next issue!
-Beezer Granger
The Hogwarts Express
Before the Hogwarts Express was invented, students would come to Hogwarts as they wanted (by broomsticks, commandeered carts, and carriages, apparition, or by riding any magical creature). However, every year, there were a lot of Muggle sightings of magic and with the Statue of Secrecy, it was crucial to find a way to transport all the students to Hogwarts in a discreet way.
At first, portkeys were used, but one-third of the students were unable to reach it on time and most of the students would get ‘Portkey-sick’. During many years, the magical community couldn’t find a good option, until the Minister of Magic, Ottaline Gambol, who loved Muggle inventions, thought of the train. The train suffered a lot of modifications before it was used for the school.
-by Beezer Granger
There is a group called the Magizoologists run by Cameron. For all those magical creatures and fantastic beasts fans, y'all should check it out!
Do you know what it’s like to have to act like you’re bad at something that you are trained to be good at??? Well, in the fourth movie, during the Yule Ball scene, it was hard for Daniel Radcliffe to act as a terrible dancer like Harry since he was a professional dancer in real life! So he was basically bad at being bad! If that were me, I would have a really hard time trying to be bad at something that I am actually really good at! Imagine being a world-class gymnast and having to pretend like you can’t do a cartwheel! Well, I feel bad for Dan!
Kaela Black and Celeste Evergreen (co-managers for the HDN)
Wands with this wood usually choose wizards and witches that are passed through mortal peril unscathed. They are perfectly suited for Transfiguration and prefer masters that are focused, strong-minded, and, sometimes, intimidating demeanor.
Wands with this wood are best suited for complex and intriguing masters. They are great at dealing magic, but their spells can backfire more easily when badly handled.
Wands made out of this wood are particularly sensitive and often reflect their owner's emotional state. It can discharge unpredictably the amount of energy that it gets from its user’s emotions. It can make outstanding magic in the right hands and is totally loyal to their owner, refusing to perform magic to any other. They have the strange ability to detect water underground and will emit a silvery, tear-shaped puff of smoke when passing them.
One of the rarest types of woods that vary dramatically depending on the wand core.
Wands that have this wood often choose a master with a single, pure passion. They adapt quickly to their master's style of magic and are difficult to be used by other people. It is a particularly fine-tuned and sentient wand.
This wood is strong, durable, and as a warm color and it is considered an attractive and powerful wood. It usually seeks wizards or witches with much courage and confidence, that can handle this difficult wand. This wood ides talents and unexpected effects and only a master that as those talents can release them.
This is the most loyal wand wood known and it is an extremely active one that will not tolerate laziness from its owner. When anyone tries to steal it, it strikes a flash of lightning to warn its master.
This wand wood prefers an owner that likes to travel and to explore and that is very ambitious. It loves duels and challenges. It is a beautiful and desirable wand wood and it prefers a master with status.
This is a golden-toned wood that can produce wands with splendid magical powers. the wands with this wood are known to cause those who are warm-earthed, generous, wise, popular, and well-respected.
This wood prefers a wizard or witch that is independent, loner, intriguing, and mysterious. It needs a lot of creativity from their masters. They often indicate that their owners are going to live a long life and they are the most sensitive to non-verbal magic.
Ok, so there is actually a Part 4! But no Part 5, don’t worry! Part 4, the last part of the Wands: Woods series is coming in the next issue!
-Beezer Granger
The Hogwarts Express
Before the Hogwarts Express was invented, students would come to Hogwarts as they wanted (by broomsticks, commandeered carts, and carriages, apparition, or by riding any magical creature). However, every year, there were a lot of Muggle sightings of magic and with the Statue of Secrecy, it was crucial to find a way to transport all the students to Hogwarts in a discreet way.
At first, portkeys were used, but one-third of the students were unable to reach it on time and most of the students would get ‘Portkey-sick’. During many years, the magical community couldn’t find a good option, until the Minister of Magic, Ottaline Gambol, who loved Muggle inventions, thought of the train. The train suffered a lot of modifications before it was used for the school.
-by Beezer Granger
There is a group called the Magizoologists run by Cameron. For all those magical creatures and fantastic beasts fans, y'all should check it out!
Do you know what it’s like to have to act like you’re bad at something that you are trained to be good at??? Well, in the fourth movie, during the Yule Ball scene, it was hard for Daniel Radcliffe to act as a terrible dancer like Harry since he was a professional dancer in real life! So he was basically bad at being bad! If that were me, I would have a really hard time trying to be bad at something that I am actually really good at! Imagine being a world-class gymnast and having to pretend like you can’t do a cartwheel! Well, I feel bad for Dan!
Kaela Black and Celeste Evergreen (co-managers for the HDN)