The Hogwarts Daily News Issue #45

Want to know about the rivalry between Disney and Warner Bros? What do you like about the HDN post it on Kaela Blacks wall!

Last Updated






Issue Forty Five:

Chapter 1
Before we start . . . .

Before we start, we would like to say thank you for all the reads and support. We are having a special article for Issue #50 that we are going to talk about, so make sure to read through this article. For the Special in Issue #50, we are going to make a compilation of quotes from HiH users who read and love the HDN issues! Please post on Kaela Black’s wall, or owl her on why you enjoy reading the Hogwarts Daily News. Your quote will be featured in the Issue #50 Special! Again, we appreciate the support, and don’t forget to owl or post on Kaela Black’s wall!
From the HDN Team

~ note written by Celeste Evergreen

Wands: woods - Part 2

Black Walnut
This wand wood seeks a wizard or a witch with good instincts and powerful insight. this wand will lose power dramatically if its master practices any form of self-deception. It looks for a sincere, self-aware owner and it is one of the most loyal and impressive wands of all.
This is a wand wood for those with a strong character, unusual loyalty, and have a lot of intellect and perception. Wizards and witches with this wand can become a strong adversary.
This is a very rare wand wood, that creates wands with a lot of power. Those who carry a wand with this wood are often self-controlled and strong-minded.
This wand wood will vary in character with the core of the wand. This wand wood normally as masters who deal with magic beasts or plants or that are natural fliers. however, when this wood is paired with dragon heartstring it will seek a master that lives in luxury. On the other and, this wood with a unicorn hair core seeks those who are just.
This is a wand wood associated with nobility, and those who have a wand with this wood usually die in a heroic way. Cypress wands look for brave, bold, and self-sacrificing wizards and witches.
Wands with this wood are considered quirky and mischievous. They seek young witches and wizards that are playful, clever, ingenious, and love fun and excitement. Dogwood wands are known to have performed outstanding spells under difficult conditions. They are also known to refuse to perform non-verbal spells.
This is an impressive wand, both in appearance and reputation. It is highly suited for combats and transfiguration. This wand seeks those who are proud to be themselves and that stay firm to the beliefs.
This is the rarest wood of all and it’s known to be very unlucky. It is powerful, but it struggles to stay with a master that does not share the same power or more than the one the wood as. Wands with this wood will seek a master with an unusual personality.
Wands that have this wood prefer owners with presence, magical dexterity, and a certain native dignity. It is known to produce fewer accidents and the most elegant spells.
English Oak
This wood produces the most loyal wands. they will look for owners that have strength, courage, fidelity, and maybe a big connection with the natural world, both animals and plants.
Believe it or not, there is a Part 3! Part 3 of Wands: Woods will come in the next issue!

-Beezer Granger


Warner Bros - A Journey (not at all about Disney)

Originally I was going to make an article called “Warner Brothers vs Disney” but then found that it was a lost cause because Disney is a SUPER BIG company and owns about a million companies and theme park rakes in 20X the amount of Warner Bros in net worth! But this is about Warner Brothers and its greatness not about Disney and ow crazy rich and powerful they are. Warner Brothers, if you didn't know, is the producer of Harry Potter, which is written and owned by JK Rowling. WB plays a big part in their success. Warner Brothers started back in 1923 by four brothers named Jack, Albert, Harry, and Sam Warner. their first movie was called “the Lights of New York” the first all-color movie. While the biggest film franchise owned by WB is harry Potter, DC is a close second (DC is ranked 1 spot above HP in fandoms).
Warner Brothers are ranked the biggest film company. Yes, bigger than Disney, but Disney is much more than a film franchise now so it might be slacking a bit on the film part (but who am I to talk, I know all the words to “Into the Unknown”) Following WB’s journey they brought about Bugs Bunny, which was the original competition between WB & Disney started. After Bugs Bunny, they had a rapid-fire release with DC and Harry Potter which only grew their net worth of 5 billion dollars a year ( Disney with at 130 bills).
That’s it, folks! Any ideas for more articles (even though the HDN as hundreds) Post it on my wall or owl me if it's good!

-Kaela Black



Did you know that one of the proposed titles for the American version of Philosopher's Stone was Harry Potter and the School of Magic? I know, we can’t believe that Harry Potter was going to be called anything other than Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone! Harry Potter would never be the same! the title of a book is quite an important thing when it comes to writing a novel, so we’re glad that J.K. Rowling picked the names she did for the Harry Potter books! I mean, who isn’t intrigued by a book called “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” or “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”!!! We all love the titles of all the Harry Potter books!

-Celeste Evergreen

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