The Forgotten Guide: Monsters
This is your guide for the monster that lurk in the wizarding world. This is dark magic, unheard of and shouldn't be heard.If you insist to read this, I hereby give you a first hand warning.
Last Updated
The Beginner'S Guide Of Monsters
Chapter 3
The world is a dangerous place to be in. Things lurk in the woods around the world whether wizarding or not. Monsters are divided into two main species and many subspecies. The two main species are Magical and Snuggle.
- Species:
- Snuggle : Monsters that can exist in both world, this beasts don't have any magical essences within them.
- Magical : Monsters that only exist in the wizarding world and can't be seen by muggles.
- Subspecies:
This are where the two species are divided into smaller groups or called subspecies. Each have unique abilities, strength and weaknesses.
- Snuggle:
Named by Muggles to keep it simple.
Mammals Amphibian Fish Birds Reptile
- Magical:
Creatures are divided into seven species.
Aqueous Igneous Icareious Darkenite Woodslen Parselious Starize