The Hogwarts Daily News Issue #35

Want to hear about the cast of HP getting in trouble on set?Do you want to know more about the real wizarding world? Or the Dream team ant time turners?

Last Updated






Issue Thirty Five:

Chapter 1
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Universal Studios

Have you ever wanted to go to a Harry Potter theme park? Well, there is one, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Universal Studios! Sadly, as of now, since coronavirus happened, I suggest you don’t go, but in the future when it is safer, you should definitely go!
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is in both Universal Studios, one in Hollywood, and one in Orlando, Florida. The Hollywood one is smaller than the Orlando one, but both of them will do. In my opinion, the Orlando one was better though.
The theme park has rides including “Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey”, the “Escape from Gringotts” ride (only at Orlando), “Flight of the Hippogriff”, and much more. Recently there has been a new ride called “Hagrid’s Motorbike Adventure”. My favorite ride is the “Escape from Gringotts” one, but I haven’t tried “Hagrid’s Motorbike Adventure”, so maybe that will become the new favorite.
You can also eat great food at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Universal Studios. There is the Three Broomsticks restaurant, where you can have a meal and enjoy some butterbeer! There is the Hog’s Head pub and the Leaky Cauldron.
You can also enjoy some ice cream at Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlor, or get a wand at Ollivander’s Wand Shop. At Ollivander’s, they have a wand ceremony, where one or two people get picked to get a wand chosen. You can also get a Harry Potter character’s wand. There are two types of wands: interactive and collectible. Interactive wands can do magic in certain places of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Collectible wands don’t do magic, but are the wands of Harry Potter characters and are more for show.
There are countless more shops, including the Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, and Honeydukes candy shop. There’s even an Owlery where you can send letters and packages!
Only in the Orlando theme park, you can ride the Hogwarts Express, it is a wonderful experience. I don’t want to spoil it though, so you’ll have to actually go!
You can also buy tons of HP merchandise, including student robes, wands, candy, and many more cool souvenirs! There is even an HP light show that is spectacular!
I hope you get to go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Universal Studios, it is a one of a kind experience. If you are a Potterhead, you HAVE to go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at LEAST once!
Hope you enjoyed, feel free to owl us on comments, questions, concerns, or suggestions!

-By Celeste Evergreen

Dream Team: Club- Nadetta

This is a club full of fun activities in which you can participate. Join this club and gain access to these fun activities! This is a private group, but, when you send a request, you will shortly gain access. It is an incredible club and I’m sure that Nadetta will be happy to have you there. Join and have fun!!! :-D


The time-turner is a magical device that is used for time travel. Time-turners can have many forms, but the most known one resembles an hourglass on a necklace and was used by Hermione Granger. The time-turners had an Hour-Reversal Charm, that helped with their stability. For this device to work, you had to turn it the number of hours that you wanted to go back. In 1996, in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, all the time-tuners that were there at the time were destroyed. Later, about 19 years after the Battle of Hogwarts, a time-turner was created for Lucius Malfoy, which allowed the person using it to stay in the past as long as they liked, and the prototype of this new device was found at the Nott home.
-by Beezer Granger


Do you like snacking? If you are hungry don’t you just have to sneak something into class. Well turns out that Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy), while filming Prisoner of Azkaban, had the pockets of his Hogwarts robes sewn shut to stop him sneaking food on set.

-Samantha Love ❤️

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