The Hogwarts Daily News Issue #32
written by Kaela inactive till summe
Hatstalls! Our Holly and that Imposter and Ghosts of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! Also a FUN FACT!
Last Updated
Issue Thirty Two:
Chapter 1
The Alpha’s Promise 1 - Book- Sophia Greengrass-Potter
There is a book in the library called the Alpha's Promise 1. This book is by Sophia Greengrass- Potter. She would like to let you know that this amazing book did not show up in the recent section of the library.
-Samantha Love ❤️
You might be wondering, “What is a hat stall?!” Well, let me tell you - A hat stall is a term used for a student of Hogwarts whose sorting took more than five minutes because the Sorting Hat found them to have a personality almost equally suited to 2 different Hogwarts Houses. True hat stalls were really rare and happened around once in fifty years! But near hat stalls may have been more common. Today, I’ll be telling you about some of the hat stalls in the Harry Potter book series! So read on:
Minerva McGonagall: One of my favorite characters in the series, McGonagall was both brave and intelligent- The Sorting Hat spent five and a half minutes wavering between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, before finally deciding to place her in the house of the brave: Gryffindor! Peter Pettigrew: Ugh, the character that betrayed the Potters was never liked by any fans, though surprisingly, was a hat stall!- The Sorting Hat placed him in Gryffindor after a ‘long deliberation’ between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Even after Pettigrew betrayed the Order of the Phoenix, the Hat continued to insist that it made the right choice, citing the manner in which Pettigrew died as (what some would call dubious) evidence.
Some other characters that entered Hogwarts in the next generation were near stallers. Let me tell you about them-
Hermione Granger: Another one of our favorites, Miss Granger has always been a bright and eager learner, but fought like a lion in the Battle of Hogwarts - The Sorting Hat spent nearly 4 minutes trying to decide between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, and ‘seriously considered’ Ravenclaw, but ultimately went with Gryffindor. However, Hermione was not a hat stall, just close to being one. (Remember, a hat stall takes 5 minutes or longer.) Neville Longbottom: Some would call him sweet and innocent ‘like a Hufflepuff’ but in the Battle of Hogwarts, he was the brave one to kill the snake Nagini- The Sorting Hat was determined to place him in Gryffindor, but because Neville found Gryffindor's reputation for bravery intimidating, he asked to be put in Hufflepuff. The two argued silently for ‘a long time’, before the Hat finally got its way and declared him a Gryffindor. He too, was not a known hat stall, only close to being one, like Hermione.
Harry Potter: Ah, finally Potter’s here! His name would send shivers down the backs of some, while a warm feeling in the hearts of others- The Sorting Hat found he could do well in either Gryffindor or Slytherin, but because Harry was averse to Slytherin's negative reputation, it ultimately chose Gryffindor.
There are many more Hatstallers in the series (Gilderoy Lockhart, etc.), but these were the most interesting ones! Hope you enjoyed :)
Our Holly and That Impostor
What are your feelings and thoughts about this situation? I feel annoyed that someone would fake being me because, like, who wouldn't be, right? But then again, you get more attention from people and I guess it's annoying and okay at the same time.
Do you still have your friends? Yeah, I still have my friends, they can really tell who the real one is.
Do you feel disappointed with specific people? I had felt disappointed with certain people because they chose to believe someone else, but they didn't know. And towards others, did you understand that they are more faithful to you than you imagined? Yes, I did.
Have you discovered new friends in this bad period? Not exactly. I mean, there were people who I never exactly talked with before this fiasco. But since what happened, I met new people.
Do you have anything to say to that impostor?I don't have anything to really say, but this: Lilac, get a life.
Thanks so much. I really hope this matter closes as soon as possible. Therefore, I hope that no other person takes this initiative, and if anything, I advise the victim to keep his own unique identity, and not to change it.
- Hermione Potter Granger
In the second Harry Potter book, Arthur Weasley asked Harry what a rubber ducky was. Harry was about to answer before he was interrupted by Molly. I am sure that all of the Wizarding World was on the edge of their seats for that response. I’m not muggle-born, I’m a pureblood, but nevertheless, I am here to answer the question that many of you witches and wizards are waiting for. A rubber ducky is a toy duck, not actually made with rubber, but usually some form of plastic. This toy is played within a bathtub. If you put it underwater and squeeze it then, it fills with water. When you put it above water you can squeeze it again and water will shoot out through a hole at the mouth of the duck.
Samantha Love ❤️
Ghosts of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Nearly Headless Nick
Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Orpington, which is the real name of this Hogwarts ghost, is the Gryffindor House ghost. When we were alive, he went to Hogwarts himself in the 15th century. After attending there, we became a wizard of King Henry VII’s royal court. He was executed on the 31st of October of 1492, because he tried to fix Lady Grieve teeth and the spell backfired, causing her to grow tusks. Sir Nicholas decided to become a ghost rather than “going on”.
The Grey Lady
The Grey Lady was the daughter of one of the Hogwarts founders, Rowena Ravenclaw. Her real name was Helena Ravenclaw and she lived in the late 10th century. After attending Hogwarts, Helena stole her mother’s diadem and ran away to Albania. After some time, her mother became seriously ill. Rowena sent the Bloody Baron to ask her to return and see her. The Bloody Baron got angry when she refused to came and he ended up murdering her.
The Fat Friar
This jolly fellow lived around the 10th century. After attending Hogwarts, he joined the clergy for charity. He helped several people by curing them. At some point, a senior churchman became suspicious and executed him.
Bloody Baron
The Bloody Baron lived at the same time as Helena Ravenclaw, with whom he fell in love. When she ran off to Albania and he was sent to fetch her, she refused to return with him and he murdered her. He committed suicide when he realized what he had done. Today, he can be seen carrying chains as a sign of penitence.
Peeves was a mischievous poligester, that didn’t listen to anyone except to the Bloody Baron (because he was scared of him) and Albus Dumbledore. He was already a resident ghost of the building before the school was founded.
Moaning Myrtle
Moaning Myrtle or Myrtle Elizabeth Warren was a muggle-born Ravenclaw student. She was killed in 1943 by the Slytherin’s basilisk that was under Tom Riddle’s orders. On the 13th June of 1943, she was teased by Olive Hornby because of her glasses, which led to her running to the second-floor girl’s bathroom and getting killed by the basilisk.
Duncan Ashe
Duncan was a Slytherin student, that attended Hogwarts in the second half of the 20th century. When we was alive, Duncan loved to make mischief and he and his best friend Jacob could often be found at Zonko’s Joke Shop. He was also a very talented pioneer and friends with Peeves. His cause of death was unknown, but after dying, he isolated himself from the rest of the castle.
By Beezer Granger
There is a book in the library called the Alpha's Promise 1. This book is by Sophia Greengrass- Potter. She would like to let you know that this amazing book did not show up in the recent section of the library.
-Samantha Love ❤️
You might be wondering, “What is a hat stall?!” Well, let me tell you - A hat stall is a term used for a student of Hogwarts whose sorting took more than five minutes because the Sorting Hat found them to have a personality almost equally suited to 2 different Hogwarts Houses. True hat stalls were really rare and happened around once in fifty years! But near hat stalls may have been more common. Today, I’ll be telling you about some of the hat stalls in the Harry Potter book series! So read on:
Minerva McGonagall: One of my favorite characters in the series, McGonagall was both brave and intelligent- The Sorting Hat spent five and a half minutes wavering between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, before finally deciding to place her in the house of the brave: Gryffindor! Peter Pettigrew: Ugh, the character that betrayed the Potters was never liked by any fans, though surprisingly, was a hat stall!- The Sorting Hat placed him in Gryffindor after a ‘long deliberation’ between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Even after Pettigrew betrayed the Order of the Phoenix, the Hat continued to insist that it made the right choice, citing the manner in which Pettigrew died as (what some would call dubious) evidence.
Some other characters that entered Hogwarts in the next generation were near stallers. Let me tell you about them-
Hermione Granger: Another one of our favorites, Miss Granger has always been a bright and eager learner, but fought like a lion in the Battle of Hogwarts - The Sorting Hat spent nearly 4 minutes trying to decide between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, and ‘seriously considered’ Ravenclaw, but ultimately went with Gryffindor. However, Hermione was not a hat stall, just close to being one. (Remember, a hat stall takes 5 minutes or longer.) Neville Longbottom: Some would call him sweet and innocent ‘like a Hufflepuff’ but in the Battle of Hogwarts, he was the brave one to kill the snake Nagini- The Sorting Hat was determined to place him in Gryffindor, but because Neville found Gryffindor's reputation for bravery intimidating, he asked to be put in Hufflepuff. The two argued silently for ‘a long time’, before the Hat finally got its way and declared him a Gryffindor. He too, was not a known hat stall, only close to being one, like Hermione.
Harry Potter: Ah, finally Potter’s here! His name would send shivers down the backs of some, while a warm feeling in the hearts of others- The Sorting Hat found he could do well in either Gryffindor or Slytherin, but because Harry was averse to Slytherin's negative reputation, it ultimately chose Gryffindor.
There are many more Hatstallers in the series (Gilderoy Lockhart, etc.), but these were the most interesting ones! Hope you enjoyed :)
Our Holly and That Impostor
What are your feelings and thoughts about this situation? I feel annoyed that someone would fake being me because, like, who wouldn't be, right? But then again, you get more attention from people and I guess it's annoying and okay at the same time.
Do you still have your friends? Yeah, I still have my friends, they can really tell who the real one is.
Do you feel disappointed with specific people? I had felt disappointed with certain people because they chose to believe someone else, but they didn't know. And towards others, did you understand that they are more faithful to you than you imagined? Yes, I did.
Have you discovered new friends in this bad period? Not exactly. I mean, there were people who I never exactly talked with before this fiasco. But since what happened, I met new people.
Do you have anything to say to that impostor?I don't have anything to really say, but this: Lilac, get a life.
Thanks so much. I really hope this matter closes as soon as possible. Therefore, I hope that no other person takes this initiative, and if anything, I advise the victim to keep his own unique identity, and not to change it.
- Hermione Potter Granger
In the second Harry Potter book, Arthur Weasley asked Harry what a rubber ducky was. Harry was about to answer before he was interrupted by Molly. I am sure that all of the Wizarding World was on the edge of their seats for that response. I’m not muggle-born, I’m a pureblood, but nevertheless, I am here to answer the question that many of you witches and wizards are waiting for. A rubber ducky is a toy duck, not actually made with rubber, but usually some form of plastic. This toy is played within a bathtub. If you put it underwater and squeeze it then, it fills with water. When you put it above water you can squeeze it again and water will shoot out through a hole at the mouth of the duck.
Samantha Love ❤️
Ghosts of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Nearly Headless Nick
Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Orpington, which is the real name of this Hogwarts ghost, is the Gryffindor House ghost. When we were alive, he went to Hogwarts himself in the 15th century. After attending there, we became a wizard of King Henry VII’s royal court. He was executed on the 31st of October of 1492, because he tried to fix Lady Grieve teeth and the spell backfired, causing her to grow tusks. Sir Nicholas decided to become a ghost rather than “going on”.
The Grey Lady
The Grey Lady was the daughter of one of the Hogwarts founders, Rowena Ravenclaw. Her real name was Helena Ravenclaw and she lived in the late 10th century. After attending Hogwarts, Helena stole her mother’s diadem and ran away to Albania. After some time, her mother became seriously ill. Rowena sent the Bloody Baron to ask her to return and see her. The Bloody Baron got angry when she refused to came and he ended up murdering her.
The Fat Friar
This jolly fellow lived around the 10th century. After attending Hogwarts, he joined the clergy for charity. He helped several people by curing them. At some point, a senior churchman became suspicious and executed him.
Bloody Baron
The Bloody Baron lived at the same time as Helena Ravenclaw, with whom he fell in love. When she ran off to Albania and he was sent to fetch her, she refused to return with him and he murdered her. He committed suicide when he realized what he had done. Today, he can be seen carrying chains as a sign of penitence.
Peeves was a mischievous poligester, that didn’t listen to anyone except to the Bloody Baron (because he was scared of him) and Albus Dumbledore. He was already a resident ghost of the building before the school was founded.
Moaning Myrtle
Moaning Myrtle or Myrtle Elizabeth Warren was a muggle-born Ravenclaw student. She was killed in 1943 by the Slytherin’s basilisk that was under Tom Riddle’s orders. On the 13th June of 1943, she was teased by Olive Hornby because of her glasses, which led to her running to the second-floor girl’s bathroom and getting killed by the basilisk.
Duncan Ashe
Duncan was a Slytherin student, that attended Hogwarts in the second half of the 20th century. When we was alive, Duncan loved to make mischief and he and his best friend Jacob could often be found at Zonko’s Joke Shop. He was also a very talented pioneer and friends with Peeves. His cause of death was unknown, but after dying, he isolated himself from the rest of the castle.
By Beezer Granger