Reigning Roots
written by Louisa S R W
My Elvish, Muggle and Magical Heritage
Last Updated
Chapter 3
When people ask me what I am it is always easiest to say half-blood when I speak about my magical side it is truly difficult to describe. I am not the only parselmouth to have been sorted into Gryffindor (Harry Potter being one of them) however I was the only descendent of Salazar Slytherin not to have been sorted into the house of Slytherin. For this reason, I have never considered myself an heir to the Slytherin line. Those that knew at the time of my sorting who my father was (Professor Snape and Albus Dumbledore) were glad that I was to follow in my mother’s footsteps and not my father’s. I’m not sure my father thought the same when he found out.
Having been brought up with magic I didn’t think anything different, I’m sure most can relate, I also didn’t realise that speaking to snakes was a unique gift either. Most will have heard parseltongue but it is almost the opposite of the elvish I speak. It is spoken much at the front of the mouth. Vowels are kept open and wide. Due to the movement of the tongue many people get slippery sounds to their speech, almost as though it were slurred.
People are often scared by the language, possibly more by its association with Slytherin and snakes than anything else. I see it as a dance. To me it glides in and out. Parseltongue is very romantic in it’s sounds. Nothing lasts more than a few seconds due to the structure of a snake’s mouth and there are many “ss”, “th” and “hé” sounds. The elvish language has many harsher tones to it and yet if you were to translate it, it comes out very romantically. In parseltongue there is no phrase for “how are you?”, there is a lot more going on behind the scenes. Ways that you nod or tilt your head, indicate your manner and if you are interested in another’s well-being. There is a lot of eye contact and mannerisms that many do not understand but those with even the slightest understanding do.
These are for all intense purposes, my reigning roots. Each magical and non-magical side of me, I consider to have a different heart. Each one is different, and when I was younger, I had each and every one broken by my father who took it upon himself to injure me in the deadliest of ways. I had to be healed by three people in three different ways in order to fix the damage that he had caused. The worst part was that he had no idea.
Having been brought up with magic I didn’t think anything different, I’m sure most can relate, I also didn’t realise that speaking to snakes was a unique gift either. Most will have heard parseltongue but it is almost the opposite of the elvish I speak. It is spoken much at the front of the mouth. Vowels are kept open and wide. Due to the movement of the tongue many people get slippery sounds to their speech, almost as though it were slurred.
People are often scared by the language, possibly more by its association with Slytherin and snakes than anything else. I see it as a dance. To me it glides in and out. Parseltongue is very romantic in it’s sounds. Nothing lasts more than a few seconds due to the structure of a snake’s mouth and there are many “ss”, “th” and “hé” sounds. The elvish language has many harsher tones to it and yet if you were to translate it, it comes out very romantically. In parseltongue there is no phrase for “how are you?”, there is a lot more going on behind the scenes. Ways that you nod or tilt your head, indicate your manner and if you are interested in another’s well-being. There is a lot of eye contact and mannerisms that many do not understand but those with even the slightest understanding do.
These are for all intense purposes, my reigning roots. Each magical and non-magical side of me, I consider to have a different heart. Each one is different, and when I was younger, I had each and every one broken by my father who took it upon himself to injure me in the deadliest of ways. I had to be healed by three people in three different ways in order to fix the damage that he had caused. The worst part was that he had no idea.