Reigning Roots
written by Louisa S R W
My Elvish, Muggle and Magical Heritage
Last Updated
Chapter 2
With all that I may gain from having a woodland elf heritage somewhere on my mother’s side (she was not half and half) I know nothing of the Muggle blood inside me. I understand that my father is a half-blood. His father had no magical powers at all. I have lived a very small amount of my life in the Muggle world. I started out in Cokeworth. I did not spend much time there; we were the only wizarding family and when my mother died, I was brought to a purely magical world. Until I started Hogwarts the most, I knew about non-magical people was that they were scared of people like us. They found us strange and distant. Even the Muggles that came to Diagon Alley with their magical children were always distant, worried, nervous. I couldn’t work out why. When I started Muggle Studies it was the one subject I was really far behind on. The teacher was astounded to find out I was a half-blood with absolutely no knowledge of the muggle world. I wanted to do some research on my father as well so I used several books in the library and found out that he was brought up in a boy’s orphanage and only found out that he was a wizard when he was eleven. His father was a Muggle and in one book it was reported that he was under the influence of a love potion. I don’t know how accurate that may be but it can’t have been good for my grandfather. My friends that have lived as Muggles (Hermione, Harry & Alice) have all introduced me to this world but it is still something I know little about.