The Hogwarts Daily News Issue #31

Our world is in danger!

Last Updated






Issue n°31

Chapter 1

In this article, we will be naming a few opinions related to Harry Potter that people have been arguing about for a long time. You get to pick if you AGREE with the Harry Potter statement, or DISAGREE. Hope you have fun and enjoy!

Snape was a true hero. AGREE or DISAGREE?

Sirius wasn’t a good godfather to Harry. AGREE or DISAGREE?

Harry got on mostly from luck and Hermione’s help. AGREE or DISAGREE?

Hermione should have been in Ravenclaw. AGREE or DISAGREE?

Dobby’s death was the saddest in Harry Potter. AGREE or DISAGREE?

Umbridge was more evil than Voldemort. AGREE or DISAGREE?

Neville Longbottom should have been the Chosen One, not Harry. AGREE or DISAGREE?

The movies are better than the books. AGREE or DISAGREE?

Dumbledore was a bad headmaster who played favorites and put students in danger. AGREE or DISAGREE?

Harry and Hermione should have been together instead of Hermione and Ron. AGREE or DISAGREE?

Well, there you have it! A list of controversial opinions! Did you agree with all of them? None of them? Half of them? Hope you enjoyed!

-By Celeste Evergreen


Rey Granger, the admin of the S.O.P. group, with people who have the exactly same idea, aspires to a better world. I, a person who shares her idea, decide to help her, and now, here we are!


What has strengthened your idea so much that the world is in danger to the point of creating a group?
I watched a documentary on One Planet that showed images of glaciers crumbling and animals dying so i decided to try and make at least a small change.
Is this the first time that you watched a documentary? No but this one was very impressive and it really showed the massive problems. Ok, I understand :)

From one to ten, how much do you think the world is in danger? Seven. But we need to act like it's 11. We need to do something or else the danger is off the charts. I agree, but personally I think that the world is a bit more in danger than 7

Do you think that the world can be recovered? The world is resilient. It can recover. But only if we act NOW. Exactly.

What could you suggest for a healthier world? Anything, even something small, can help. Reduce your plastic waste! Take a break for a little while from meat! Support local markets and ride your bike to school! There is so much that you can do. I perfectly agree , expecially with the fact of not eating meat, because considering also the ecological water footprint a Kg of meat is produced with 15 000 l of water + animal feed, and therefore, with the fact that we are losing a lot of fresh water, it is not very sustainable for the Earth.

If you were a president, what would you do? Ban plastic bags, straws and any single use plastic for a start. Then I would minimize the production of large companies that release lots of greenhouse gasses. I see that you focus more on pollution and plastic, when there are also endangered animals, what would you do for them instead? I understand, maybe you think that pollution is what compresses them, but what could you do to regenerate the large amount that has been lost over time?I care most about animals, actually! But if you were to say: Well, why are the sea turtles dying? It would be plastic. Why are the koalas dying? Deforestation.
Now, to answer your question, for a start, regenerate is not the appropriate word. We need to give the animals the suitable conditions to survive. Maybe that would be natural game reserves and, as I said, cutting down plastic in the ocean. As you see, it all boils down to the same thing, the same problems.With regenerate I mean exactly what you answered for, and sorry, maybe I didn’t understand, but you didn’t say anything about natural reserves.

Do you think Coronavirus could bring back normal things? I think Coronavirus might change people's mindset because all the animals are returning to their homes, all the fish back in the ocean and just because we are frozen in our homes. Let's open our eyes to this problem! It’s the same thing that I think! And, I’d like to add, the Coronavirus, for now, have helped a lot, because now there are less gasses in the air that we breath! :-)

What ideas do you have to save the world? Reducing plastic, reducing animal consumption and so much more! For more, go to S.O.P group in HiH (link given at the end of the interview) to hear my thoughts and other's as well.

Do you have any thanks for some specific person? For example ... Greta Thunberg? I think that yes, Greta has helped a lot, and I would like to thank organizations and countries that have taken these problems into account.

More to add? Yes. Please congratulate yourself if you've done at least a small thing but also remember... we need lots of effort and people joining together to make the change we need!
To find out more about the ways we can help our planet, please check out the S.O.P. group - Save Our Planet. Here we discuss the problems, how we can raise awareness and how we can do our part to help. The link: Yes, and there are very much other groups! Just search for a keyword that you think is related to the word (danger, plants, pollution, plastic…). Anyway, I’ll list some groups in the end :) Thank you for having me come over to H.D.N and share my thoughts! See you all next time! It’s no problem! As you say before “Anything, even something small, can help.” I’m very pleased to do something for, in this case, the World! We all have to help! Now all the people that read Hogwarts Daily News will know that we have to do something, NOW!

Now let's move on to the collaborators.


Do you think Rey's idea is satisfactory? I think Rey's idea is very satisfactory.

What would you have in mind to help her? I plan on gathering information on what is going on in the world, then finding out a way to fix it, then sharing that information with others.

Do you take Global Warming seriously? From one to ten? I take global warming very seriously. I take it 10 out of 10 seriously.

If you were a president, what would you do? If I were a president , I would try to change our main energy source from fossil fuels to solar panels. I would also try to have companies use more recyclable materials. Wonderful idea!

What do you think should help at least a little bit in saving our system? I think the smallest thing you can do is to start recycling, or plant a garden, or pick up trash. These small things can really change the world. Agree!

More to add? *Nothing*


In my opinion this idea is worth considering. Our world is not a game, it belongs to all of us and we must not abandon it. In my opinion, one group could be created for each sector of Earth damaged. For example, a group in defense of endangered animals, one in defense of endangered plants, one that could discuss the effects of the Greenhouse Effect. Another could discuss the measures to be imposed for a healthy world. And, my best idea, is that there will be a group with a competition. In fact, I’ll create it right now. I would hope that all participants from other sectors take part. It will be a competition in which there will be ideas to be carried out every day in real life, and whoever carries them out will have a prize, a surprise. I will make sure that a teacher also takes part, perhaps Professor Anne, Professor of Care of Magical Creatures , or, in any case, Professors who may be interested in it, such as, for example, Professor Rowan, teacher of Herbology (Obviously if they accept!).
I suggest the idea of the competition because many people don’t care about our planet, so, with a game, I hope that all people take it a bit more seriously.

I also wanted to survey how many people think specific things, and the results are:

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(To see the complete diagram click on the single photo)

Some quotes:
"The human one is the only species in the world that has polluted the Earth and is the only one that can clean it up." -DENNIS WEAVER
"The wealthy people live in beautiful houses, but the air is so polluted that they don't even see the stars."-WOODY HARRELSON
Man has been endowed with reason and the power to create, so that he has added what has been donated. But today he never acted as a creator, but only as a destroyer. It razes forests, dries up rivers, extinguishes flora and fauna, alters the climate and embraces the earth more and more everyday. -Anton Chekhov
It is not the man who must fight against a hostile nature, but it is the defenseless nature that has been the victim of humanity for generations.- Jacques-Yves Cousteau


Main group - Our world is in danger:
Animals - Our world is in danger:
Plants - Our world is in danger:
Recycling - Our world is in danger:
Plastic - Our world is in danger:
Debate - Our world is in danger:
Energy reduction - Our world is in danger:
Competition - Our world is in danger:

Hermione Potter Granger
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