Defense against the dark arts- first years
written by Eleven
These are my notes for my first year of dada! I will be continuing to add to this wonderful book! I really hope it helps. Follow me for more!
Last Updated
Lesson #2
Chapter 2
-components of spell casting- concentration, willpower, wand movement, and incantation
-verdimillious charm is an offensive spell that offers temporary light source and the light can reveal objects that have been hidden with dark magic
-2 different wand movements for different effects (one is for sending opponent flying and leaving a stinging sensation, and the other outlining objects)
-revealing charm has 2 different charms
verdimillious Charm (offensive version)
Incantation-verdimillious (forward slash movement ending with the wand pointing at target)
Sends your opponent flying and leaves stinging sensation
Low willpower and concentration
Verdimillious Charm (non-offensive version)
Incantation-verdimillious (circular motion over your head not pointing to anything in particular)
Green light shoots up to ceiling temporarily lighting up the room and outlining any hidden objects
Low willpower and concentration
Revealing Charm (easier version)
Incantation-aperecium (tap the item)
The item will reveal once it is tapped with your wand and will glow purple for about 5 minutes
Low willpower and concentration but you may use more willpower to make the text clearer
-verdimillious charm is an offensive spell that offers temporary light source and the light can reveal objects that have been hidden with dark magic
-2 different wand movements for different effects (one is for sending opponent flying and leaving a stinging sensation, and the other outlining objects)
-revealing charm has 2 different charms
verdimillious Charm (offensive version)
Incantation-verdimillious (forward slash movement ending with the wand pointing at target)
Sends your opponent flying and leaves stinging sensation
Low willpower and concentration
Verdimillious Charm (non-offensive version)
Incantation-verdimillious (circular motion over your head not pointing to anything in particular)
Green light shoots up to ceiling temporarily lighting up the room and outlining any hidden objects
Low willpower and concentration
Revealing Charm (easier version)
Incantation-aperecium (tap the item)
The item will reveal once it is tapped with your wand and will glow purple for about 5 minutes
Low willpower and concentration but you may use more willpower to make the text clearer