read if you are brave
written by El
if you are brave then you'll read this
Last Updated
if you are brave then you'll click on this chapter
Chapter 1
they say
oh my god I see a coughing guy
wash your hands my dear and keep them both from mine
I blocked my breath when oyu were passing by
you should go and buy the mask N-95
and i'll give you tissues
please do sneeze inside
cuz oh my, your mouth's like a crocodiles
so don't you
sneeze on me
cough on me
talk to me ohohoh
i'd wear a mask but what about my eyes
lol... coronavirus dance monkey
oh my god I see a coughing guy
wash your hands my dear and keep them both from mine
I blocked my breath when oyu were passing by
you should go and buy the mask N-95
and i'll give you tissues
please do sneeze inside
cuz oh my, your mouth's like a crocodiles
so don't you
sneeze on me
cough on me
talk to me ohohoh
i'd wear a mask but what about my eyes
lol... coronavirus dance monkey