How do you write a love story so perfect
written by Calvie & Gus
Alex and Jamie have been dating for 2 years and r deeply in love. But when Alex introduces Jamie to his Family everything went wrong. [in progress]
Last Updated
Chapter 2
Jamie drove to work at 6:45 am. Alex was going to pick her up at 8:00. She needed to have at least 1 hour of work each day. Today, she had only 1 hour and 15 mins to work and she had a projet to finish. At 7:45 she finished the project and was cleaning up her cubicle. She went outside and heard Alex's car horn beep and walked out into the parking lot, and got into his car. "Before we get there, I have to warn you, my family if pretty weird. Take last summer for example. Uncle Yohanssen had gotten a new puupy and named it Fido. He loved Fido and had even gotten him to play fetch..." Alex said before Jamie cut him off, saying "Oh please don't start a story like Rose starts a St. Olaf story. PLEASE!" "Ok, fine, but my fam is pretty weird." Alex said. Alex's fam was only a 30 minute car ride and they were already half way there. "Alex, could you role down the window, I need some fresh air" Jamie asked. "Sure". Jamie's bright blond hair flew out of the window and shimmered in the sun. "Here we are!" Alex said as he pulled into a drive way that looked like it was built when the Roman Empire was around.