Drarry fanfiction!
written by Ĵαмɛƨ Sнαω
Drarry fanfiction I found on a meme that I'm copying and publishing it here b/c it's amazing. I don't know who wrote it I can't fine their name but here's the link; https://www.google.com/search?surl=1&q=draco+malfoy+blue+hair+headcanons&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiG8Zfst-zpAhVFYK0KHUEDB8sQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=draco+malfoy+blue+hair+headcanons&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoECAAQHjoGCAAQBRAeOgIIAFC_QViRd2DYhQFoAHAAeACAAYYBiAG1C5IBBDAuMTKYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZw&sclient=img&ei=2SbbXsagBcXAtQXBhpzYDA&bih=665&biw=1318&rlz=1CAPCCZ_enUS883&hl=en&hl=en&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=WK0pHWddDBMb_M
Last Updated
Chapter 1
Harry can’t stop staring. His breakfast was forgotten. Malfoy’s hair is blue.
“Harry? Harry wha-” “Malfoy.” Harry answers Hermione without looking away.
Ron pauses midway through a mouth full of potato. “What?”
“Malfoy.” Harry explains again. “He-look what he did.”
Hermione’s eyes remained fixed on Harry. “Don’t you think it's time to stop obsessing over him? The wars over were all on the same side now.”
“No, look what he did to his hair!” Harry all but shouts. MALFOY’S HAIR IS BLUE.
Hermione and Ron finally follow Harry’s gaze to the Slytherin table to Draco Malfoy
blue hair and all. “Bloody hell.”
“That is surprising.” Hermione admits. “Maybe someone cursed him?” Ron suggested.
“I hope not.” Hermione frowns. “Like he doesn’t have enough to deal with right now.
His mother being trailed this week.”
Harry’s chest contrasts. “That’s this week?!” “Yes Harry I thought you were
the one stalking him?”
“Well he’s been sadder than usual. He’s been eating cereal since last Friday
and he almost always gos for-what?” Harry stops by the looks Hermione and Ron are giving him.
Hermione shakes her head. “I was being sarcastic Harry, I can’t believe you’re
stalking him again!”
“I’m not stalking.” Harry clairfies. “I’m just observant!” Harry focused his attention on
Ron and Hermione to prove his point. Witch was a hard task because MALFOY’S HAIR
Hermione smiles wickedly and Harry knew he was toast before she even spoke.
“Okay then what do I usually eat for breakfast?”
Harry tries to eye her plate discreetly but Hermione had covered it with her hand.
He tries desperately to remember what she had been eating only
seconds before. “Uh...uh…”
“That’s what I thought.”
“I’m not stalking Malfoy.” Harry tries again. Ron snickers into his morning
omleat. “Sure mate.” Hermione rest her hand in her hands revealing her breakfast
(poached eggs). “Why don’t you go over and ask him?”
“Ask him what?”
Hermione closes her eyes in obvaise expatriation. “Why his hair is bule.”
“I can’t-”
“Mate just go.” interrupts Ron, now with a mouthful of tomato.”You’re
going to be like this all day if you don’t.”
Malfoy looked up surprised as Harry approaches, his cereal spoon hovering above his bowl.
“Potter?” “Malfoy.” Harry nods. He tries not to stare so openly at Malfoy’s hair
but...it’s BLUE!
Malfoy drops his spoon and pushes away his bowl. He stares suspiciously at Harry.
“Are you lost?” “No I-why is your hair blue?” Harry blurts out unable to
hold it in any longer.
One of Malfoy’s hands automatically went up to his hair as if
he had forgotten it’s color for a moment. After the surprise Malfoy turns defensive.
“Got a problem with it?” He asks.
“No, not at all I just- never mind. Forget I asked.” What was he thinking? What
Were Hermione and Ron thinking, sending him over here? He turns to leave
“It’s poetic Potter.”
Harry turns back to Malfoy. “Poetic?” Malfoy shrugged and looks down at his cereal. “I’m feeling
blue. I dyed my hair to match. It made sense last night after the second bottle
of firewhisky.” Harry considers this. “Your mother?” he asks softly.
“Yes.” Malfoy says to his bowl. “Do you- I mean would you- would it help
if I came with you?” Oh Merlin did Harry really just say that?
Malfoy looks up sharply. “And why would you want to do that?”
Harry feels his cheeks reddening. “Your mother saved my life.” He
offers, which is true at least, but only a small part of his motivation was that.
“Of course.” Malfoy says with a polite nod.
Is Harry reading into it or does Malfoy look...disappointed?
“And you might need...support.”
A small smile played at the corners of Malfoy’s mouth.
“I’ve got friends Potter.” “Right- I didn’t mean to say- it’s just-
I’d like to be there. For both of you.”
Malfoy tilts his head and looks Harry over with a curious expression.
This only made Harry blush harder. “Okay.” Malfoy finally said. “You can come.”
He picks up his spoon and focuses his attention to his cereal.
“Harry? Harry wha-” “Malfoy.” Harry answers Hermione without looking away.
Ron pauses midway through a mouth full of potato. “What?”
“Malfoy.” Harry explains again. “He-look what he did.”
Hermione’s eyes remained fixed on Harry. “Don’t you think it's time to stop obsessing over him? The wars over were all on the same side now.”
“No, look what he did to his hair!” Harry all but shouts. MALFOY’S HAIR IS BLUE.
Hermione and Ron finally follow Harry’s gaze to the Slytherin table to Draco Malfoy
blue hair and all. “Bloody hell.”
“That is surprising.” Hermione admits. “Maybe someone cursed him?” Ron suggested.
“I hope not.” Hermione frowns. “Like he doesn’t have enough to deal with right now.
His mother being trailed this week.”
Harry’s chest contrasts. “That’s this week?!” “Yes Harry I thought you were
the one stalking him?”
“Well he’s been sadder than usual. He’s been eating cereal since last Friday
and he almost always gos for-what?” Harry stops by the looks Hermione and Ron are giving him.
Hermione shakes her head. “I was being sarcastic Harry, I can’t believe you’re
stalking him again!”
“I’m not stalking.” Harry clairfies. “I’m just observant!” Harry focused his attention on
Ron and Hermione to prove his point. Witch was a hard task because MALFOY’S HAIR
Hermione smiles wickedly and Harry knew he was toast before she even spoke.
“Okay then what do I usually eat for breakfast?”
Harry tries to eye her plate discreetly but Hermione had covered it with her hand.
He tries desperately to remember what she had been eating only
seconds before. “Uh...uh…”
“That’s what I thought.”
“I’m not stalking Malfoy.” Harry tries again. Ron snickers into his morning
omleat. “Sure mate.” Hermione rest her hand in her hands revealing her breakfast
(poached eggs). “Why don’t you go over and ask him?”
“Ask him what?”
Hermione closes her eyes in obvaise expatriation. “Why his hair is bule.”
“I can’t-”
“Mate just go.” interrupts Ron, now with a mouthful of tomato.”You’re
going to be like this all day if you don’t.”
Malfoy looked up surprised as Harry approaches, his cereal spoon hovering above his bowl.
“Potter?” “Malfoy.” Harry nods. He tries not to stare so openly at Malfoy’s hair
but...it’s BLUE!
Malfoy drops his spoon and pushes away his bowl. He stares suspiciously at Harry.
“Are you lost?” “No I-why is your hair blue?” Harry blurts out unable to
hold it in any longer.
One of Malfoy’s hands automatically went up to his hair as if
he had forgotten it’s color for a moment. After the surprise Malfoy turns defensive.
“Got a problem with it?” He asks.
“No, not at all I just- never mind. Forget I asked.” What was he thinking? What
Were Hermione and Ron thinking, sending him over here? He turns to leave
“It’s poetic Potter.”
Harry turns back to Malfoy. “Poetic?” Malfoy shrugged and looks down at his cereal. “I’m feeling
blue. I dyed my hair to match. It made sense last night after the second bottle
of firewhisky.” Harry considers this. “Your mother?” he asks softly.
“Yes.” Malfoy says to his bowl. “Do you- I mean would you- would it help
if I came with you?” Oh Merlin did Harry really just say that?
Malfoy looks up sharply. “And why would you want to do that?”
Harry feels his cheeks reddening. “Your mother saved my life.” He
offers, which is true at least, but only a small part of his motivation was that.
“Of course.” Malfoy says with a polite nod.
Is Harry reading into it or does Malfoy look...disappointed?
“And you might need...support.”
A small smile played at the corners of Malfoy’s mouth.
“I’ve got friends Potter.” “Right- I didn’t mean to say- it’s just-
I’d like to be there. For both of you.”
Malfoy tilts his head and looks Harry over with a curious expression.
This only made Harry blush harder. “Okay.” Malfoy finally said. “You can come.”
He picks up his spoon and focuses his attention to his cereal.