Diary of a Seal
written by Brightsky
This is the diary of Glacier Nola. Read this and I will eat your nose.
Last Updated
Chapter 2
Dear Diary,
Winni's all better now. (BOO!) She keeps trying to spy on me. She's still making up it that her tummy-hurt isn't better though, so mommy's gonna carry her now! No fair! I saw a great big floaty thingy today though. Winni didn't. (haha) Mommy says the floaty thing is a boat. Oh! Dinner! Bye!
Love, Glacier
Winni's all better now. (BOO!) She keeps trying to spy on me. She's still making up it that her tummy-hurt isn't better though, so mommy's gonna carry her now! No fair! I saw a great big floaty thingy today though. Winni didn't. (haha) Mommy says the floaty thing is a boat. Oh! Dinner! Bye!
Love, Glacier